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WW2 Pack Request


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Hey, Grish here, and I just wanted to make a request for something I'm surprised hasn't been made before. And yes, I've looked for EVERYTHING, individually and packed, and only came across very few of what I need.


What I'm wanting, simply put, is a variety of WW2 style weapons and armour. Now, I don't expect that people can do all of it all in one go, especially just for a request, but I will gladly use whatever is given to me... So to speak...


I only want you to do what you can do. Don't force yourself to do it all if you can't. If you can only make 1 weapon or armour, or even a sound effect for them (I am ok with them using default ingame sounds), make a contribution. My one and only forceful request is that it works with Shiloh's Desert Succubus mod (for armour).


I don't know if this board has spoiler code, and if it does, I don't know how. If it does, I'll put that on the images so you aren't spammed with dozens of images.


What I want:



-MG42 (I know theres an MG42 mod, but it's problematic, and lacks ironsights). This is a high-calibur, high-firerate mounted machine gun, however can be handheld, with a lot of recoil.



-MG34 (Yes, theres a difference). The predecessor to the MG42, it has a lower rate of fire, a smaller calibur, but is more accurate.



-Kar98. The standard bolt-action rifle that the Nazi's used. It was very accurate, so much so that they often added scopes. Downside being that they were slow to reload, and often jammed under poor condition.



-Gewehr 43. The standard battle rifle used by the Nazi's. It was the German equivilent to the M1 Garand, ofcourse not as powerful. No matter the battlefield, if there was atleast 1 Nazi involved, you'd find this rifle. Ammunition was aplenty too.



-STG 44 (There is an STG44, just wondering if someone can do it better). The first assault rifle ever to go into mass production. It was originally an Officers weapon, but was on its way to becoming the main weapon before the end of the war. However, it jammed, a lot...



-MP40 (Yes theres a MP40 already, again seeing if it can be done better). Other than the Gewehr, this was the most used weapon by the Nazi's. A small, compact SMG that almost never jammed, was more accurate than most SMGs, and worked wonders in close combat.



-P38. The Walther P38 was the replacement for the Luger 08. It became the standard issue sidearm.



-M1879. A German-made revolver long before even WW1. It was the standard issue untill the Luger 08 came in, however was still commonly used, especially by tank drivers and pilots, due to it being a cheap weapon. Figured it'd fit in the FNV world as it's a revolver.



-Panzerschreck. The most used anti-tank rocket launcher by the Germans. a lot of Allied and Russian soldiers used them since they were very common behind German lines, and was one of the most accurate available at that time.



-M1895. A 7.62x38mm Soviet-made revolver that was standard issue among most Russian infantry (exception being the Tolkarev near the end of the war). Again, a revolver that would fit right into FNV.



-Mosin-Nagant. The standard bolt-action rifle of the Russians saw MANY variations during several different battles. One of which had more soldiers than there were guns. I'd prefer the bottom one on the picture.



-SVT-40. Russia's semi-automatic battle rifle. This weapon was deployed to most infantry before the push from the Eastern front into Berlin.



-PPSh 41. A very popular SMG that was mass distributed after initial deployment. It proved to be one of the greatest SMGs during and after WW2. I am surprised this hasn't been made, since the model for it was used as the Combat Shotgun in Fallout 3.



-PTRD-41. The bolt-action equivilent to the PTRS-41. It was an Anti-Tank rifle, that could decimate tank treads. I prefer the bolt-action equivilent as the slow reload balances out it's power.



-Shashka. A Russian officers sword. Gotta have something for the melee players, right?



-Thompson. A very common SMG, used mostly by Americans, however they were still commonly used by all nations of the Allied forces.



-Bren (Yes there is one, I've downloaded it to have a look). A common British LMG. A Bren back then was as used as an M4 these days.



-M1 Garand. Standard American battle rifle. Yes, there are files for it, and yes it's technically already in FNV, so this is just an optional weapon.



-BAR (Yes, theres lots of mods for this). The M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle. America's equivilent to the Bren. This is also an optional weapon.



-Trench Gun. Common shotgun, used mostly in trenches, hence the name. Yes it is very similar to the Hunting Shotgun, however I like this model and style. This is also an optional weapon.



-Bazooka. Popular American anti-tank rocket launcher.



-Arisaka. Japanese bolt-action rifle, used in everything, from banzai charges, to tactical battles. I'd prefer the long version.






-Nazi Tank Kommandant. http://www.wwiivehicles.com/germany/tanks-heavy/pzkpfw-vi-ausf-e-tiger-heavy-tank/michael-wittman.jpg


-Australian Desert Rats. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/77/images/11265499041800796813_1.jpg


-Soviet Private. http://www.soviet-power.com/pictures/soldier1.jpg


-Soviet Officer. http://www.grantsmilitaria.com/gall/pix/images/02.jpg



Remember that if you are doing any of these, that only do what you know you can do. Don't feel that you have to do everything.


Thanks for reading.


Edited by grishnakah
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[...] WW2 style [...]

you planning on turning the game into some neonazi crap there or what...? :-P


I've completed the game several times, with and without mods. I'm just looking to do and use something different. Considering the era is based around another 1950's phase, those weapons may have seen redevelopment, but not mass produced. Would be nice to use them, considering I'm a bit of a WW2 nut. Alternatively, I'm sure even in 2077 there will have been WW2 enthusiasts, making a collection of the weapons. Perhaps it could be tied into the game that way, just with the weapons in low condition (330 years and a nuclear war, don't think they'd be in good condition), and surrounded with lots of weapon repair kits to repair them all (or scatter them around the map, and/or repair from weapons/scrap).


Well, most of these already exist look em up. And if you got 20th century files you also already have most of them. And the FG42 that already exists you can add iron sights check my wiki page on it in my signature.


SOME exist. Trust me, I looked. I even looked again after reading your post. I got 5. 5 out of 22 weapons. There is still more to add to the list. I'm just putting this list out there so that people can do what they can, not just make the whole mod while struggling, or saying that they already exist.

Edited by grishnakah
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  • 3 weeks later...

Found this over at FO3Nexus.


Not sure if youve seen them before.


WWII Weapons Part 1 and Part 2


They take care of half your list. Although they still need porting over, putting up iron sights and maybe some work with the textures(too clean and shiny for me).


Found the mosin and p38 to, although they need more polish.


The Bren you found looks good.


The BAR and the M1 Garand should be easy enough, they are already in game as That Gun and in Dead Money DLC


Also found some WWII costumes, some of them looks funky though.


Maybe someone could try to port these over to NV?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found this over at FO3Nexus.


Not sure if youve seen them before.


WWII Weapons Part 1 and Part 2


They take care of half your list. Although they still need porting over, putting up iron sights and maybe some work with the textures(too clean and shiny for me).


Found the mosin and p38 to, although they need more polish.


The Bren you found looks good.


The BAR and the M1 Garand should be easy enough, they are already in game as That Gun and in Dead Money DLC


Also found some WWII costumes, some of them looks funky though.


Maybe someone could try to port these over to NV?


Do you know how to port, cos if so, I could probably do the ironsights. Further up this thread someone linked a tutorial on how to make them.


And I did use those WW2 weapons when playing Fo3, that's why I was surprised to see virtually none in the FNV forum. I suppose it's because the mods are cracking down on ports, and nobody wants to dedicate time to modelling something like that with no actual reward...

Edited by grishnakah
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Porting is simple, contact the author and gain permission is the first step. Then remaking the .esp is the second step, then you are done. So I would suggest picking up the geck since I have seen almost that entire list on here. The M1, Thompson, and the bar are already in fallout, I have seen an STG-44 mod recently and added a sighting node for the author so that one works, Camon has made a few of these models already like the FG-42 and the Bren, pretty sure he also has an MG, the 20th century weapon pack will contain the rest.


Modders are willing to do requests and add new weapons to the game but when someone requests weapons that have already been made you probably wont get many if any modders that are willing to fill that request since some other modder already went and built them.


I will however link as many as I can find.


- I built an M1 Carbine you can find it in my signature. (may not be on the list but it is a WW2 weapon)

- Track down this machine and you will have your M1

- Track down the BAR from deadmoney

- Track down the Thompson from Honest Hearts (also contains a .45 similar to a colt)

- Mg-42 With outfit


Bren Lmg

20th century weapons pack - This one contains the rest but I notice it is currently under review so it will either eventually get removed or they will complete the review and it will be back up.

There is a mosin nagant in the stalker weapons pack but I do not currently have a standalone. Until then there is this - Mosin Nagant and SKS




If you request anything that I feel like making then I will give it a shot.

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