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No longer gaining xp/levels


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I'm not sure if this is common or not, I've stopped gaining levels. This is after using the command 'player.setlevel x' and 'advlevel'. Whether this is related to the issue, I'm not sure, but it seems likely. Is there a way to revert this aside from going back onto an old save?
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I dont know if ther's a way to revert to normal leveling. This function seems to have bugs.



What's your character level?


You may need load an older save.


Ah there it is "This function can be called on the player and will change the player's level, but not any of his stats (and the world will not "level up" with the player), so this is not recommended" Thats a shame, last save is over four hours ago D:


Kudos for the info, guess ill just have to go back to the last save and mass movetoqt to get back to where I was... really wish there was some other way around that

Edited by vinvin__
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When you setlevel, you are just setting your level and not your experience points. You still gain exp you just wont add anything in your current level until you earn enough to catch up to your level. The proper way to bump your level and keep everything working properly in the leveling system is to use player.rewardxp xxxxx (xxxxx=amount of exp points)


Also, you can use that rewardxp command to get your exp points caught up to your level.

Edited by Sunnie
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