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Crashing at Jean Sky Diving


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Alright, lately my game has been crashing quite a bit...I have no idea why. One little thing I've found are what I've dubbed crash zones or cursed zones. These are areas that cause you to crash no matter what. Until yesterday, these have only been certain rooms in mods, like Angel Valley. But yesterday I ran into a large one that in circles Jean Sky Diving--or somewhere just above it--for what could easily be declared a mile. I've tried just about everything. I've shut down every mod I had and it still crashed. I tried fast traveling into the area, crashes still. I've even tried walking around it and trying to find a spot that won't make me crash. So...anyway, has anyone else been having this or similar problems?


PS. I was trying to do Tales of the Burning Sands when I found the zone.

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  • 2 months later...
Duuuude, I'm having this problem too! If I get anywhere near Jean Sky Diving, the stupid game CTD's instantly. I've done everything I could think of to fix it, from disabling all the mods I though might cause an issue to trying to create a merged patch and resolve the issue in FNVedit. NO LUCK SO FAR. I can't figure out what the heck is causing the issue.... o.O
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It sound like you guys are having the same problem i'm having with Camp Searchlight. Every time i go into Searchlight and the center of town starts to load my game crashes. I believe this is happening due to a corrupted cell or corrupted object in that cell. My advice would be to go back to an earlier save and see if you can go near JSD, hopefully then you will be able to continue on without a crash.
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Guys! this kind of crashing is usually do to a load order problem. Remember BOSS is not perfect. So read the readmes for your mods and you might find your solution. Also don't forget to update the load order "every day" as the load order may change with BOSS. This is assuming you're using BOSS. Wrye Flash, and FNVEdit also helps. If you need help with these utilities, I'm no expert but will be glad to help if you want you can email me so as not to use the forums.


Game on dudes! :thumbsup:

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