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Installing Robert's male and female body replacers


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I feel like i'm taking crazy pills! I read this post http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/265143-help-me-install-roberts-male-body-v5/ and thought "oh this is all i need to do" but it didn't work.


Is there a kind a patient person who could walk me through, step by agonizing step, installing Robert's male and female body replacers for oblivion? Talk down all you want, explain it as you would to a child or a 90yr old granny who's never touched a computer, cause that's how i feel. I had no problems modding Morrowind, and thought Oblivion would be a snap. The only thing i end up doing is giving myself pink feet. I have the files, MaleBodyReplacer-v5-Beta and FemaleBodyReplacerV12-15624 and a copy of Oblivion GOTY Deluxe from Impulse, so there's no meshes folder and the textures folder just has an "Effects" folder, so i'll prbably need to come up with some folders to make it work, but i don't have a hard-copy folders list so i don't know where or how i'm screwing this up.


Also, some explanation of an where i could find an archive invalidater would be appreciated. Also, to make this really easy (hopefully) I'm fine with the males being nude. It'll give the gf something to be happy about.



To whomever answers this plea for help i wish you the best karma nature can bestow and you have my undying gratitude.

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Well if you use Oblivion Mod Manager the female nude variant is an easy fix. Get this OMOD version. As for the male v5 Beta, inside the archive you will see a folder 'MaleBodyReplacer-v5-Beta'. Drag that folder to your desktop (temporarily). Inside that folder you will see these folders:


Body Variants


Stock Armor & Clothing Fixes


Open the 'Body Variants' folder and choose which one you would like to install. Let's say your chose 'Muscular --> Nude'. Now copy the files






Now open up the \Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\ folder on your desktop and paste those files into it, saying 'Yes' to overwrite.


Now inside the Stock Armor & Clothing Fixes folder you will find 3 more archives.

Robert BASE 1st person fixes.7z

Robert Clothes & Armor BASE.7z

Robert Clothes & Armor SI BASE.7z


Open up each archive in turn and find the 'Meshes' folder (ignore everything else) in each (skip the SI BASE if you do not have Shivering Isles installed). Copy (extract) the meshes folders from those archives into the Data folder on your desktop, saying 'yes' to overwrite.


You now have what is needed. You simply drag the Data folder from your desktop into your \Oblivion\ game folder.

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I very much appreciate the time taken to explain this. I did it all, step by step, three times, no dice any time. Though i do notice that i have different feet now. And the female hands disappear when they're in restraints.


Could the version of it i have be a problem? It's a digital download of Oblivion from Impulse. The file in my program files isn't even called "Oblivion" It's called "Oblivion GOTY Deluxe". Could that be a problem? Also, i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do with the Oblivion Mod Manager.


It's really starting to chap my hide. Especially because, according to you and others, it should be working.


Any other things you might be able to suggest?

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Ok...i don't know what i did, but it's working now...new stupid question...is there a male body that's less frightening?! He's like super ripped, his body looks like a mountain range! Also, now the female version doesn't work. I'm just having no luck
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Alright, for some reason, it all works now. Got Robert v4 and i am not longer afraid of the toons on the screen. Kinda punched myself out on this topic, but oh well, it works!


One final question, my gf want slof's boners. I downloaded the files, installed them and we got nothing in the testinghall. Anyone know why? And she wants cut tackle, not the uncut that we have on the v4 male right now. Do i need to delete a file?

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Slof's Boners was made for Robert v5. Only some will work on v4. Why they are not in the testinghall I cannot tell. It sounds like you haven't installed correctly.
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The different body types are all there in the variants folder. Have you even read the readme?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well if you use Oblivion Mod Manager the female nude variant is an easy fix. Get this OMOD version. As for the male v5 Beta, inside the archive you will see a folder 'MaleBodyReplacer-v5-Beta'. Drag that folder to your desktop (temporarily). Inside that folder you will see these folders:


Body Variants


Stock Armor & Clothing Fixes


Open the 'Body Variants' folder and choose which one you would like to install. Let's say your chose 'Muscular --> Nude'. Now copy the files






Now open up the \Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\ folder on your desktop and paste those files into it, saying 'Yes' to overwrite.


Now inside the Stock Armor & Clothing Fixes folder you will find 3 more archives.

Robert BASE 1st person fixes.7z

Robert Clothes & Armor BASE.7z

Robert Clothes & Armor SI BASE.7z


Open up each archive in turn and find the 'Meshes' folder (ignore everything else) in each (skip the SI BASE if you do not have Shivering Isles installed). Copy (extract) the meshes folders from those archives into the Data folder on your desktop, saying 'yes' to overwrite.


You now have what is needed. You simply drag the Data folder from your desktop into your \Oblivion\ game folder.


i was having the sam problem. what you said worked but one question....

how do i make it the cloth version x.x..........

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