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Close to 100 like 75 or 99, Can I only do it so many times?

While I'm here, I've been wondering, how much modding do ya think my system could handle? I've been wanting to try some of the big ones like QTP or Better City's, but not sure if I should. :unsure:

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I'd say when it gets over 80%. The problem is that the fix is a risky thing to do on a save file that you have hundreds of hours invested in. It's not 100% foolproof, although I've yet to hear of anybody who's save game was ruined. Be sure to keep backups of your favourite saves. :yes:


If you are having animation issues, that last thing you want to install is QTP3. That will bring even mid to top end systems' fps crashing with a heavy mod load. The same goes for major overhauls like Better Cities and Unique Landscapes. I mean a Geforce 8400 at 400 MHz is just not going to cut it.

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Well, with Skyrim just around the corner you really should be thinking as high as you can afford. Oblivion was not designed for today's high spec. hardware so cannot utilise many of the features. That's why a heavily modded Oblivion even struggles in high end machines. Let's hope the Skyrim engine is more streamlined. So the answer is the highest spec you can afford.
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Thanks :biggrin: Really exited for Skyrim! I'll probably upgrade after that's been out a while, see what knowledgeable folks like you are saying about it :wink: Then upgrade as much as possible. I really appreciate your help & pleasant welcome to the forum :happy: I was close to giving up on my game :wallbash:
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I'm excited, too. :) Though I'm trying to curb it. I don't like to be pessimistic, but I don't like disappointments, either, so I'm going to judge it after I've played it for a while. :)


It was my pleasure. If you're ever stuck there's always somebody on the forums willing to help you out. And if you need help about the forums the staff are friendly, too. :) There's also the PM system for more private conversations. Welcome to the Nexus. :thumbsup:

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