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Frame rate DROP around lots of Npcs


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hey guys,

i just reinstalled FONV updated it to the newest version, installed all my DLC, MODs that i wanted, and I'm getting LOW FPS drop around lots of npcs.


other then that i get 80FPS standard on my settings,

so i tried low settings and i still get the FPS drop.

any ideas.?

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two things i notice on your load order are 1 willow that mod is full of "background loader errors " i beleive they relate to waste land triggers for the dialouge/comments FNVedit told me so

2 honest hearts is behind fnv .esm probably rightly so due to the new tribal body varient and terrrain textures which is probably incompatible with vanilla as far as i know ,

try disabling /uninstalling those 2

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Every NPC included in a frame will take a lot of processing power. NPC companions take even more as they each have their own script that must be constantly running when they are in the scene. The Gambro engine has problems when you have more that a few NPCs in view at one time. The more NPCs the slower it's going to run. And companions will slow it more than the other NPCs. There are things you can do to improve the fps, but the easiest is to limit things like taking a half dozen companions everywhere.
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I have similar problems with FNV, you may check nvidia website for their optimization guide. I turned off all the shadows, apparently only npcs and player gets shadow, elements have different textures instead of shadows; nevertheless, that helped a bit.
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