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I was wondering if someone could make power armor for rex he seems worth giving armor to and he is cool. I am not a moder nor do i have the time to be one so i was hoping someone could make it for me. thanks for taking the time to read this. Edited by thepyro36
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But i was just thinking it would be awesome but yeah i don't think a retex would suffice but if that's all that can be done so be it. But if someone could find the commands that let reg. characters wear armor and add that into the script for rex. But i am not a moder so i wouldn't know how that would be done.
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The "easy" way to get a animal to "wear" somthing is to make a copy of said animal add the new meshes to the animal then place it in a new custom cell then apply all the quests and dialog to include the new animal REF.

The only other way deals with adding some of of new animation nodes armor to the animal then useing NVSE/FOSE to acitvate those nodes when through diolog, I do not know enough about scripting to do that.


Yes its a pain in the ass to do because creatures can not wear armor or items.


The my dog mod in FO3 does this so you can try and take it apart to figure it out.


Edited by nivea
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