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i installed Coronerras' Maximum Compatibility Skeletons and it ruined my character it shows two bodys on the same character i tried uninstalling it and it didnt work then i reinstalled oblivion and it still didnt work can some one give me the vanilla files of what it overwrote which is C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\meshes\Characters\_1stperson

and 2 in meshes they are skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif please i need these 3 files oblivion is unplayable for me or if someone could help me fix it id appreciate it

Edited by pitoguitar
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i installed Coronerras' Maximum Compatibility Skeletons and it ruined my character it shows two bodys on the same character i tried uninstalling it and it didnt work then i reinstalled oblivion and it still didnt work can some one give me the vanilla files of what it overwrote which is C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\meshes\Characters\_1stperson

and 2 in meshes they are skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif please i need these 3 files oblivion is unplayable for me or if someone could help me fix it id appreciate it


It did not overwrite those vanilla files as they as safely packed away inside the Bethesda BSA archives. You need to remove them from your Windows 7/Vista ghosted user data folder, and while you are doing a reinstall, make sure you do it outside of 'Program Files'.

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