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Created NPC ID question


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I know this is a foolish/noobish question, but I have tried to reconcile this and can't seem to find the answer.

How do you get/use the reference ID of a player made NPC?

In the CS editor, I used ACVampire as the ID for the NPC. (Vampire will hang around player until they sleep and then, snack time!)

Using this script code (OBSE 20):

scn ACVampMission (quest script)

ref myvampref


begin GameMode

Let myvampref := ACVampire

Messageex "Vampire is %i",myvampref, 10 ; gives me 10 secs to verify the message box


Now, here is the issue. (I know these numbers are not "hard coded" but the issue is the same.)

for ingame (opening console and clicking on the "vampire")

I get XXXX1402.

For my message, I get XXXX13FD printed out. 5 off the original ID.

What did I do wrong and how do I get the correct id? (There is lot of coding that is on standby because of this. lol)

Thanks for the help!

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All i can think of, atm, is that ACVampire is the base object and has a FormID XXXX13FD (as shown in the Object Window, under NPC)

The NPC you placed in the CS would be FormID XXXX1402.

That is correct. (I am still learning all the tools. lol)


I have found my answer! I should have RTFW! (Read The Fine Wiki!) lol (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/A_beginner%27s_guide,_lesson_1_-_The_Construction_Set_Primer)

While in the CS, I forgot to add the Reference Editor ID after I placed the NPC into the storage area. This then allowed my to directly access the actual npc object via the Reference ID (in this case, ACDianna) in the code.

Thanks for the assistance.

Edited by hawke1133
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