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A bunch of assorted news


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Alright. There is a ton of news for this game, spread about on many forums. Ive decided that its about time it was all put together in an easy location. Here.


To start with, new gameplay elements.


- Workable bipods. If you have an LMG or sniper rifle equipped with a bipod, going prone or just simply mounting it on cover will minimize recoil, at the expense of a smaller FOV.

- In BF2, if you went prone then you would get instant super accuracy. Now, if you go prone, you have a tiny amount of time before the accuracy gets better, but in the mean time it shoots out. So far that the crosshair almost leaves the screen.

- ADS with shotguns. Think it speaks for itself.

- If you get hit in the face with a taclight in closed in or dark areas, you can get dazed by it. Also, if you look at a torch you generally wont be able to see much behind it.


I've missed a ton of stuff right now, but ill be putting some more up later, when im not busy.

In the mean time, heres a few gameplay vids (ignore the random things in the vids. almost every single one has them in :huh: )



Edited by CommanderCrazy
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I just heard the new voice for the Russian soldiers in one of those videos you provided.


Man i sure am gonna miss the Russian recon's badass voice in Bad Company 2. Russian soldiers don't sound as badass anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a question with this installment, what platform would be best to play it on? I really enjoy doing the 360 for these types of games, but I am impressed to the point I thinking about pc.
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In some other news, the M82a3 will not be appearing in MP due to the imablity to properly give the players the proper feel of the gun MP with out making the weapon totaly over powered. However things may change and it might appear in a later dlc. Also in news it is reported that it will take about 100 hours average to unlock everything for a single class/kit. So for people wanting to unlock everything expect close to 500 hours of game time.
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In some other news, the M82a3 will not be appearing in MP due to the imablity to properly give the players the proper feel of the gun MP with out making the weapon totaly over powered. However things may change and it might appear in a later dlc. Also in news it is reported that it will take about 100 hours average to unlock everything for a single class/kit. So for people wanting to unlock everything expect close to 500 hours of game time.


lets not forget that the weapons are country based. does that mean you'd have to unlock all weapons for all kits on BOTH SIDES?


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