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5l1c3 of t3h p13


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As you can see in my included picture, all but that little slice (lol) of the pie mesh I'm making is backwards. How can I reverse the rest of them without changing that one good part?


Two options:


1) If Oblivion supports double-sided textures, just ignore it, the texture will show up properly.. Enable two-sided textures in your 3d modeling program if it makes it easier to work with.


2) I don't know what program you're using (you should usually state this when asking for technical help), but 3dsmax has a "unify normals" tool. This does exactly what it sounds like. If for some reason it makes them all face inward, then also use the "invert normals" tool.

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On a side note, Bethsoft's nif format does support double sided surfaces. Not sure how it's done in blender though. As to why it turned out like that, I can only guess it has something to do with the creation method, usualy when you revolve something you have the option of adjusting normals either by the direction the splines are rotated, or by some additional options in the modifier. Can't see blender as not having something like that.
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I guess I'm just in a rare nice mood today, here's your answer: http://www.blender.org/documentation/htmlI/x2495.html


Bottom of the page, "specials menu". Select the problem faces, flip normals, select all faces, flip normals.


I'm happy for the mood, I've seen you when you're angry o_O . Thanks a lot for the help.


On a side note, Bethsoft's nif format does support double sided surfaces. Not sure how it's done in blender though. As to why it turned out like that, I can only guess it has something to do with the creation method, usualy when you revolve something you have the option of adjusting normals either by the direction the splines are rotated, or by some additional options in the modifier. Can't see blender as not having something like that.


The method of creation was simply extrusion, size editing, and vertex merging on a circle. I don't see how the one part could've ended up like that when all the sides were created at once. Oh well, it's fine now :D .

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On a side note, Bethsoft's nif format does support double sided surfaces. Not sure how it's done in blender though. As to why it turned out like that, I can only guess it has something to do with the creation method, usualy when you revolve something you have the option of adjusting normals either by the direction the splines are rotated, or by some additional options in the modifier. Can't see blender as not having something like that.


The method of creation was simply extrusion, size editing, and vertex merging on a circle. I don't see how the one part could've ended up like that when all the sides were created at once. Oh well, it's fine now :D .


My guess would be the "slice" happened in the vertex merging. Since you're altering the topology of the mesh, your software has to decide which direction the normals of the new faces should point. At least with 3dsmax, it's usually pretty good about this, but there's still the occasional flipped normal to fix (even if you use two-sided materials, a flipped normal will completely wreck the mesh if you try to apply any smoothing to it).


As for why most of them got inverted in the first place, it's probably because you used a 2d circle as your base. Since you're extruding a formerly-one-dimensional edge into a 2d face, Blender has to assign a normal direction to it. You did this by extruding "up" from a circle with the normal also pointing upward. To keep adjacent faces with continous normals (the default behavior), the normal has to point inward (think about it: the bottom faces inward, so do the sides). If you want to fix this without flipping normals, you have two options:


1) Extrude from the "back" of the circle. This way the starting faces are pointing to the outside of the object.


2) Extrude from a 3d cylinder, not a 2d circle (alternatively, create a cylinder with the necessary number of height segments, and just move/scale the ring edges around). That way all your normals are defined properly pointing to the outside and you're working with defined "sides" of the object, not creating new sides out of 2d edges.

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