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[Tutorial] How to remove the BoS Power Armour Decals


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Ever been annoyed that whenever you make custom power armour there's a BoS Logo on the shoulder? I have.




1) Find the power armour you want to modify (In my case - T45d) and load it up. Right, see "Biped Model List"? Search the Object Window for that list (In my case - ArmorPowerList)




2) Load the list up and create a new form (rename the ID)




3) Now delete the entry that says "PowerArmorDecalBoS"




4) Your list should look like mine (apart from the ID):




5) Load the Power Armour up and create a new form. Then, change the "Biped Model List" to the one you just created.




6) Enjoy the logo-free armour!!





I hope this tutorial was a help to you all, and good luck with all your mods!



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Nice! :D

Now i know why that BoS logo on the templat PA didnt matter that much ;)

Great to see it gets its place on the wiki! as this the sort of topic any aspiring modder would want to read :) (oh how we all dread those eternal decals! but no more :) )

Very good tutorial! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Late reply, but if you wanted your own decals on the armour you would have to make the actual model for it and basically just base it off of the BoS Logo for size. You then do the opposite of what I did in the tutorial, you add it to the form list. So you would delete the BoS Decal from the list and add your new custom NCR flag Decal.


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