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VATS Labels Not in English


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For some reason the names of limbs and extremities in VATS for human characters shows up in what I believe is Italian and not English. Head displays as Testa, Torso shows up as Tronco and etc, etc. Does anyone know how to edit the labels of targets in VATS? Thanks!
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Definitely a mod issue. One of your mods was made with the Italian(?) version of the game, and the GECK decided to swap the language. It seems to change the name of anything modified to fit the region the author's game is, overwriting the names you normally have. (Maybe Bethesda can fix the GECK so this can finally stop being an issue...) If it's really bothersome, use FNVedit to open up every mod you use, and compare any changes to default names. You'll see a red background in most cases, which is FNVedit letting you know there's a major change. Just edit the module and rename it to what it should be, or whatever you want, really, and you'll be set. For VATS, though, it might work differently. In that case, you might want to try creating a "language patch" by setting all of your mods as masters for a brand new ESP file. If I'm thinking correctly, saving the ESP, without any changes at all, besides adding the masters, will give you back your region's names. If not, get back to me and I'll help ya out.
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