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Log in error during mod download

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Running windows 7 on a new laptop. After logging into the forum, I'll open up a mod and select download, it cycles to the various server locations, after selecting a server a window it shifts to a screen saying I need to log in to download files larger then 2MB.


This doesn't happen on my older desktop.


Deployed overseas and would really like to get some of the newer mods, any help would be greatly apprecaited!

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Hey there, Arthan;


Shouldn't be a Win7 thing. I've been running Win7 since before I found the Nexus. I've seen occasional hiccoughs with the file d/l systems, but nothing OS-related.


Try logging OUT of all Nexus sites, clearing your browser cache (deleting all cookies, at least for here), then logging back into the one for the mod you want.


Make sure the window has your user name showing in the top-left (not sure where it'll end up being in the new site design, coming soon!)


Try your d/l again.


Let us know if that works. :thumbsup:

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It didn't work. I deleted browsing history, restarted my computer, logged on the nexus and it wouldn't download. I copied the actual error message.


Do it, do it now!

Logging in to DANexus gives you access to files larger than 2MB in the file database and allows you to comment on articles all around the site. Don't have an account? Set one up now. It's free to do and very quick.


<form action="/modules/login/do_login.php?server=<br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function makesafe() in <b>/home/dragon/public_html/modules/login/login_pop.php</b> on line <b>14</b><br />



Let me know if you can think of any reason it wouldn't work.


Thanks for the help!

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The files areas (seperate ones for each supported game) require the member to log-in IN ADDITION to logging-in to the forums. (They are seeen by the authorization mechanism as independent sites.) So if you log-in to the Forums first, you'll still need to do so again to download the larger mods...


This is one of the issues that Dark0ne hopes to correct with the site re-design he's currently developing.

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The problem you are having is that your browser, firewall or antivirus package is not retaining login session from page to page. Basically, something is blocking your cookies.


When you login to a Nexus site (much like any other site), your session is retained in a cookie on your PC. So when you go to another page, the web site will check that cookie to see if you are someone that is currently logged into the site and will display the page accordingly. If that cookie is not there, the web site has no idea who you are from page to page.


These issues are covered on this pinned thread.



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