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Pray to the nine divines here for something you want from the modding


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Thanks for the support! I'm eager to start modding Skyrim (after investing 100+ hours in my initial playthrough, of course). I just hope the Creation Engine supports lip-syncing.

Edited by someguy2000
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Street duels are in, I think: You can challenge and be challenged by random NPCs.


Oooh, new demand: Toggled hoods on robes. You can wear a hood "down": That way you can benefit from enchantments on the hood without having it up at all times, which just looks stupid.


Me: *walks around through town at night wearing hood and robes*


Guy: "Psst, you got the goods?"


Me: "Uhh, I don't know what you're talking about. Just a mage. Have to wear this hood up all day or I don't get the magicka-"


Guy: *pulls a knife* "Albanus Bentarus sends his regards, snake."


Me: "..." *blasts him with lightning and walks away*

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Nine Divines, Make the haters stop hating. But seriously If I can have a child I want to see that 5 year old going around fighting Dragons and using his Dragon Shouts like Fire breathing out of his mouth (Would look cool, creepy and other stuff.) Note that was a joke I am sure Bethsoft in combat will make the Children got around screaming AHH DRAGONS! KIll it. While some kids might be like. Sweet a Dragon can I pet it Mister. *Bites the "Misters" head off in front of Child scaring the child and runs way saying By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! Turns out the child is the Annoying fans Great Great Great Great Great Grandson. Makes me wonder since the Annoying Fan was so annoying only way for him to have children would be from another Annoying Fan. Which they would create a Legion of Annoying Fanlits and would flood Nirn with everytime you walk you hear it By Azura! Turns out its a Annoying Fan Greybeard. Sorry having fun I will stop.


But I really wish is that the media can take things more maturely. Thinking games are "Real" but movies aren't and can include many more stuff. That sort of stuff. Fox gets mad at Hot Coffee from GTA but where is the talk about Children watching American Pie and explicit thing like that. Hypocritical if you ask me. People say GTA sells more than that stuff it may be true, but in truth Children do get access to this stuff and it is more than the media and such let's on.

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Ooh, something else I just thought of. This one's a little speculative but: Evolving Magic.


Since custom spells are already cut out, why not just make it so you have a list of spells that get stronger as you raise your skill level in that spell school? Why shouldn't a fireball spell get stronger with you as you level up instead of having to buy new ones?


This is assuming it's not how the system works already, but I highly doubt it given what we've seen of the magic system so far.


I'm pretty sure awhile ago they said the more you use said spell the better you get at it (Not talking just skill rising wise, skill rising contributes, but if you use Frost more than Flame your Frost spells will become stronger while Flame spells would stay the same. I think they said if you use Chameleon you get better the more you use it. Would make sense because Bethsoft as you've seen now has only one Chameleon spell (Detect Life also as well as others.) So if you use Chameleon more you get more duration and magnitude. This does fix a lot from Oblivion. (Probably why custom spells are gone now.) In Oblivion you have a minor, Major, Expert, Master and that sort of stuff, this cuts a lot of spells down to one. For example you get Minor Detect Life but later you get good enough for Major Detect life. Why would you still need it? So 85 spells is a lot especially with the 3 different ways to use the spell plus the spell itself going from apprentice to Master in Oblivion's language it will be better.

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As I said, speculative, but in the QuakeCon presentation we can see that the mastery level for each spell is still there in the UI. Howard never commented on this, but for now I'm assuming spells have a fixed effect, with skill increases only giving you access to more powerful spells (like in Oblivion). If Skyrim does have evolving magic without mods, though, that's fantastic.
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As I said, speculative, but in the QuakeCon presentation we can see that the mastery level for each spell is still there in the UI. Howard never commented on this, but for now I'm assuming spells have a fixed effect, with skill increases only giving you access to more powerful spells (like in Oblivion). If Skyrim does have evolving magic without mods, though, that's fantastic.


I rewatched the Skyrim demo the spells level up with your skill it seems. The Detect Life was Adept level and his Character was an Adept Alteration user. So it seems the spell levels with the players skills. Not like Oblivion'y you have to buy another Detect Life for so an so level.

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Another fun idea for someone to do, as I'm sure it won't be in the game. The ability to run people down on your horse. Ever since Red Dead Redemption, I've played with this concept in my mind.


"Pesky bandit blocking the road, don't go around him, go over him! With the new patented horse crusher mod. Makes light work of bandits, guards , peasants , dogs and of course children. Get your very own today."

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I rewatched the Skyrim demo the spells level up with your skill it seems. The Detect Life was Adept level and his Character was an Adept Alteration user. So it seems the spell levels with the players skills. Not like Oblivion'y you have to buy another Detect Life for so an so level.


I wish this was true, but it can't be that. "Flames" is listed as a Novice level spell, but Howard's demo character has a Destruction skill of 93. Best case scenario, the listed Skill Level of the spell is just the minimum requirement, and spells still get stronger as you level up. But I prefer to be cynical: That way I'm not disappointed.


By the way, new mod demand: Something that makes clairvoyance actually cost magicka instead of being a free spell to cast :/ (Just noticed that.)


Another fun idea for someone to do, as I'm sure it won't be in the game. The ability to run people down on your horse. Ever since Red Dead Redemption, I've played with this concept in my mind.


"Pesky bandit blocking the road, don't go around him, go over him! With the new patented horse crusher mod. Makes light work of bandits, guards , peasants , dogs and of course children. Get your very own today."


Hells yes! I never bothered much with horses (you fast travel everywhere anyway) in Oblivion but I'd definitely ride around on one all the time if I had a mod like that.


Here's another one I just thought of: An addition to the enchantment system of "auras", differing for both hostile and friendly creatures. You can wear an enchanted ring that makes all of your allies within 20 feet of you have faster health/fatigue/magicka regeneration, but doesn't buff the people you're fighting as well, or an aura that does a small amount of constant damage just from standing near you but doesn't hurt your friends.


Oooh, and another one: Constant Casting. Since buffs continuously drain magicka instead of lasting for X seconds, how about the ability to turn certain useful spells on and off so you can walk around without having to hold down the trigger the whole time, but it drains even more magicka per second to do this.

Edited by Alcrin
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