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its already in the game... and it wont be as ugly as it is fable.


When was this confirmed? From what I understand, body type is only changeable at character creation. He's talking about getting fat over time by eating lots of food and stuff.

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When was this confirmed? From what I understand, body type is only changeable at character creation. He's talking about getting fat over time by eating lots of food and stuff.


That's what I meant, I knew about the character creation, but I suppose I can *cheat* and every 10 points in strength I could bring up the character creation menu and adjust the values, but then it would seem really annoying and unrealistic... plus there's a maximum to how large you can make your bodies :(

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its already in the game... and it wont be as ugly as it is fable.


When was this confirmed? From what I understand, body type is only changeable at character creation. He's talking about getting fat over time by eating lots of food and stuff.


i hope not. i dont want to become huge just because i add health points like in fable. i like skyrim's style better, but im sure someone will make a mod like that.

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i hope not. i dont want to become huge just because i add health points like in fable. i like skyrim's style better, but im sure someone will make a mod like that.


What are you talking about? Having shoulders literally 10 times the width of your face was friggin hilarious to look at!


That's what I meant, I knew about the character creation, but I suppose I can *cheat* and every 10 points in strength I could bring up the character creation menu and adjust the values, but then it would seem really annoying and unrealistic... plus there's a maximum to how large you can make your bodies


Attributes aren't in the game anymore. You choose whether to upgrade Health, Magicka, or Fatigue every level.

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Attributes aren't in the game anymore. You choose whether to upgrade Health, Magicka, or Fatigue every level.


The F----! I think Bethesda is over simplifying Skyrim...

I wish they would just bring back the Daggerfall customization that felt a lot more *detailed*...

Edited by deama
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I rewatched the Skyrim demo the spells level up with your skill it seems. The Detect Life was Adept level and his Character was an Adept Alteration user. So it seems the spell levels with the players skills. Not like Oblivion'y you have to buy another Detect Life for so an so level.


I wish this was true, but it can't be that. "Flames" is listed as a Novice level spell, but Howard's demo character has a Destruction skill of 93. Best case scenario, the listed Skill Level of the spell is just the minimum requirement, and spells still get stronger as you level up. But I prefer to be cynical: That way I'm not disappointed.


By the way, new mod demand: Something that makes clairvoyance actually cost magicka instead of being a free spell to cast :/ (Just noticed that.)


I agree with Alcrin, and I hope that your best-case scenario is the reality. I really like the idea of spells having a minimum requirement for usage, and power scaling after that. No more continuously buying the stronger version of the same darn spell!


One additional detail that I noticed is that certain numbers in the spell descriptions were in bold, white text (ex: damage numbers for Destruction, Magicka cost for all spells). This seems to reinforce the idea that these values are not fixed, and that they will change based on your character's skill level.


:fingers crossed:

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I agree with Alcrin, and I hope that your best-case scenario is the reality. I really like the idea of spells having a minimum requirement for usage, and power scaling after that. No more continuously buying the stronger version of the same darn spell!


Also acceptable would be "upgraded" versions that have higher scaling slopes (skill/3 instead of skill/4 or something) but higher magicka cost, with these bigger versions having a higher skill requirement. Being stuck with a fire stream only doing 6 points per second even at the highest skill level would be a bit lame, even if it is cheap to cast.


One additional detail that I noticed is that certain numbers in the spell descriptions were in bold, white text (ex: damage numbers for Destruction, Magicka cost for all spells). This seems to reinforce the idea that these values are not fixed, and that they will change based on your character's skill level.


Or it could just be bolded for the sake of UI considerations: A spell's effect strength and cost are its most important properties, so the user's eye needs to be drawn to them immediately. It makes sense to have them as the most prominent elements whether they're mutable or not.


By the way, it may interest you that if you looked more closely you'll notice the effect numbers aren't all bolded in white: The color depends on the effect. Fire damage is in red, Shock damage in blue.

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Or it could just be bolded for the sake of UI considerations: A spell's effect strength and cost are its most important properties, so the user's eye needs to be drawn to them immediately. It makes sense to have them as the most prominent elements whether they're mutable or not.


By the way, it may interest you that if you looked more closely you'll notice the effect numbers aren't all bolded in white: The color depends on the effect. Fire damage is in red, Shock damage in blue.


The UI convenience aspect did cross my mind; however, it would make sense that the spells don't do the same damage regardless of skill (assuming that our guesses about spell tiers are correct). Mostly, though, it's just a trend that I've seen in RPG menus. No way to know for sure. Man, do I love speculating about this, though! I would love it if it didn't take three or four mods to make magic fun and useful in this one.


Where are you seeing these differing colors in the UI? QuakeCon? I just looked again, and it all looks white to me; maybe a blue or red glow, but that seems to be soming from the animated spell "blob" above it.

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