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What is Steam doing now....?


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I hate Steam. Hate hate HATE F*****ING HATE IT!!!!!!


Caused me no end of trouble when I tried to install FNV. Tied up my PC downloading for hours!!!


I play offline always. One time I accidentally clicked "go online" and had to sit there for half an hour while steam updated, before I could even play the game.


Steam is the biggest load of s**t ever invented.


Bethesda, I implore you, disassociate yourselves from this CRAP!!!!!


dude. take a chill pill. we all dont like steam, but its the future for pc gaming, so get used to it. granted it makes life a PITA at times to work with, all in all, it also makes life easier. no more manually updating games, steam does it for you. and games get cheaper quicker on it too


in the long run, games will be cheaper overall since steam requires verification of their products in order to use them (one code per game per account), which SHOULD reduce piracy


please, correct me if im wrong



sorry to have derailed this thread






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Whats happening is an application load error.


Application Load Error 3:0000065432


I have done everything including shutting down programs that might be preventing Steam from working correctly. Deleted the ClientRegistry.blob file and had steam reacquire it. And this is getting carried away. I have went on the Steam site and googled the HELL out of this problem and not found anything to help me. Has anyone ELSE ran into this problem?

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Looking into that right now Fonger...

had a funny feeling this was your problem earlier today


if it is, back up your favorite files then reset your OS from scratch


as you'll probably have some latent issues caused by the bad ram

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Looking into that right now Fonger...

had a funny feeling this was your problem earlier today


if it is, back up your favorite files then reset your OS from scratch


as you'll probably have some latent issues caused by the bad ram



Back up as in move the files off of my C: Drive huh? The thing is - I have no other drive right now :(

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Back up as in move the files off of my C: Drive huh? The thing is - I have no other drive right now :(

my documents folder - goes bye-bye on OS reset


but a real folder under C drive can be safe


or you could use lots of DVD-RWs to be really safe :psyduck:


I used the memory diagnostics tool and apparently I have no memory problems on my computer. Meh - this is getting ridiculous....

early stages of bad memory can be excessively intermittent


try the memory diagnostic several times

Edited by Fonger
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Back up as in move the files off of my C: Drive huh? The thing is - I have no other drive right now :(

my documents folder - goes bye-bye on OS reset


but a real folder under C drive can be safe


or you could use lots of DVD-RWs to be really safe :psyduck:


I used the memory diagnostics tool and apparently I have no memory problems on my computer. Meh - this is getting ridiculous....

early stages of bad memory can be excessively intermittent


try the memory diagnostic several times



So if I JUST backed up the my documents folder and did a clean install the REST or my data would stay the same? And I will absolutely use the diagnostic tool - intermittent is exactly whats happening with the memory...

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