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Quakecon Character Screenshots


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Link: http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/715387/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim-building-our-nord/

He didn't put up a high res picture, so I commented and asked him to send me a link with the high res picture, but THIS guy deleted my comment. I now officially hate G4.


Are you Redofire45? If so, your comment's still there, no worries.


Oh good :)

I refreshed the page later and it wasn't there. If I get the screen shot, I will no longer hate G4.

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Skyrim's Argonian reminds me a lot of Morrowind's.


Love it :)

Not sure where he got that pic but i can tell you it's not vanilla Morrowind.

This is what Argonians in MW look like.



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@OP - Why are you posting the pic of the Nord woman wearing dragon armor? That pic is really old, from May or April, and has nothing to do with the QuakeCon journalist character pics.


Because someone recently confirmed it's actually a Redguard, not a Nord.

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@OP - Why are you posting the pic of the Nord woman wearing dragon armor? That pic is really old, from May or April, and has nothing to do with the QuakeCon journalist character pics.


Because someone recently confirmed it's actually a Redguard, not a Nord.

Bethesda character artist vsions(forum handle) said it was a Redgaurd from before they added dark skin tones. So imagine that character with dark skin and that is what she will look like in game.

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Skyrim's Argonian reminds me a lot of Morrowind's.


Love it :)

Not sure where he got that pic but i can tell you it's not vanilla Morrowind.



It's from the little booklet that came with the game. It's interesting how the races look really different in the booklet compared to the actual game (higher resolution).

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