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Oblivion ground textures gone arye after patching.


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So i reinstalled oblivion today as a result of my anxious desires to play Skyrim, and i came across this error.


It only comes into effect after installing the official patch 1.2.0416. After looking around to try and solve the problem myself I found that turning off distant land corrects the problem... but i want my distant lands. I then also tried replacing shaders and turning the object size to large, yet those things did not correct the problem. Any suggestions?

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Just thought I would inform everyone that I fixed whatever the problem was by deleting the folder inside "My Games" entitled "Oblivion" which held the save games, rendering info, etc. (after backing up the saves of course). Although this did bring about another problem as oblivion crashes now if i attempt to make a new character and exit the sewers. But i worked around and I simply added my old save games to the NEW oblivion saves folder and so far so good. Can finally play oblivion with my mods :D
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Delete the Oblivion.ini - NOT the one in the game folder, but the one located in the folder where the saves are located. Typically C:\Users\Your user name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion The next time the game is started, it will build a new Oblivion.ini there based on your hardware. But it needs an unmodified Oblivion.ini from the game folder to do this properly.


If you have already followed someone elses instructions and modified the Oblivion.ini in the game folder, or copied some one elses ini there, you may as well reinstall as copying one from somewhere else will probably give you problems.


Note: the game folder is the one with Oblivion.exe in it.


I have also seen this on a pirated game where the pirate has modified their own Oblivion.ini and is now distributing a broken game. Good luck with that. :rolleyes:

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