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Wierd glitch with MM toggled spells


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After a while of playing with MM toggled spells, I noticed some of the spells weren't available in their toggleable versions, like they should be, so I tried moving the esp down my list. It fixed that problem, but created a new one. Now, I get this spell sound repeatedly playing at random intervals. I can't figure out why it's doing that! It sounds like a ranged spell hitting me.
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What is a "script effect silencer", and why do I need to silence a script effect?


Some mods aren't properly scripted, so that effects engaged when a script finishes running aren't stopped by the mod. The less obvious way this shows up is a repeating sound effect in the background, though sometimes these unnecessary scripts can continue to run without any visible or audible giveaway.


A script effect silencer searches for running scripts that aren't supposed to be there, and stops them. It's a harmless mod, and the worst that can happen is that you don't need it, so it does nothing. (I use one myself, because I kept getting a loud gong sounding every few seconds in the background--and its Duke Patrick's, as well.) These mods should always go close to the very end of your mod list.


Hope that helps.

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