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Items not appearing in my inventory


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Howdy! I've been having an issue with items not showing up in my inventory. The first one I noticed was the CM Companion rings were missing. Not saying it was the cause, just that it was the first thing I've noticed. Now after playing several mods, I'll have an item that's critical to the quest and when I pick the item up, I can't find it in my inventory.

I've tried reducing the amount of "stuff" I'm carrying, except for the ton of rings, but that didn't change anything.

Has anyone come across this before?




Correction: That's tons of keys, not rings. Sorry about the mistake! I only carry two rings.

Edited by wverdin
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I have had this problem my self it's to do miss placed files at frist / or to many mods that dont work together to well. This is how it was for me, maybe you can try unmark all mods and load a new save and try messing with the mods and finding out wich ones may cuase this or maybe its somthing else all together.. but all in all I hope I was able to help in any way =) Good luck and best wish's Edited by XxPockieNinjaxX
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How big is your "ton of rings?" if you are carrying hundreds of items, there will be things in your inventory that cannot be seen and used. I recommend that you drop more of your stuff and look in your inventory again.


You aren't using any cheats that allow you to carry more than you can in vanilla Oblivion are you? When people use techniques like that, they can easily start to carry so much stuff that the computer can no longer handle it and items become invisible even though you still have them in inventory.

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Note, what David said about inventory on your character, also holds true for any container. I've seen occasional complaints on other boards from people who were storing 3000+ items in one spot. Not only will you find it difficult to see what's there, but you'll end up losing things.
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My mistake! It's tons of keys, not rings. I only have two rings. I tried dropping all mu stuff, standing there naked and pick up the armor, but it still won't appear in my inventory. I think XxPockieNinjaxX might be on to something. I tried removing mods one at a time to see if the problem was corrected and discovered I can't disable CM Partners! Oblivion won't run without it. It's a slow process, but I'll keep at it.

I'll try to post my mod list here.

Edited by wverdin
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New update!!! I've removed all of my MODS, except one, including Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. All that's being loaded is the one MOD Chapter One: The Dwarves of the Mountain. Still seeing the problem. Just too weird!
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Get rid of ALL your mods, start a new game, and see if the problem continues. If it does, the only thing I can think of is the game hasn't been fully updated.....

Hum... It just wouldn't be the same if I got rid of all my mods. :-) I've installed a different mod and not seeing the issue with it. Oh well! :-)

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