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Lingering Mods


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Hey guys.


I'm in the process of uninstalling and reinstalling Oblivion due to some problems I developed from over-modding.


After uninstalling all DLCs, and then Oblivion, I was careful to delete all of the remaining files. Then I proceeded to reinstall Oblivion...


And despite this, several of my mods as well as all of the DLCs are listed in the Data Files of what should be Vanilla Oblivion. I'm sure they don't work, but they're lingering in the Data Files, and I don't know why.


It's really starting to annoy me.


Any help? :tongue:


Thanks. :rolleyes:

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It's unlikely, but possible, that this is due to old registry entries. You can try to clean the registry manually with CCleaner or you could try Revo Uninstaller. For Revo Uninstaller to work the game has to be installed first, then open Revo, choose to uninstall Oblivion, choose the highest option for uninstallation, and delete everything it finds. It makes System Restore points etc. before starting the uninstallation so it's pretty safe.
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sounds more like he's got a severe infestation of UAC




formally uninstall the game


clean up any remaining folders


then re-install it -- somewhere else -- anywhere else


anywhere that is not controlled by UAC

Would something like Local Disk (C:) \ Games work? And will this affect it in any way?


Edit: I've decided to simply try both suggestions at once. :turned:

Edited by Ddeatth
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