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140 Mod Limit fixed Yet?


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So this is a fairly common problem most people have and dont realize, that NV breaks at 140 mods active and up, does anyone know how to fix this? Oblivion and Fallout 3 dont have this problem, neither did Morrowind come to think of it. For those who dont know, what happens is if you activate 140 plugins or up the game just breaks no matter the plugin, it can be blank for all the game cares, and by break I mean textures will just disapear, the whole world starts getting Red ! and the map on the pip boy turns pink and all other assorted horrors as not being able to load the menu or even save.


And that all disapears as soon as you get your mod load under 140. Any ideas why? or how to fix this?

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140!?! I get issues at more than 100. I don't think there is a fix. I would assume part of the issue is your particular rig and the game engine.
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140? I'm pretty sure the number is 255. Unless there's something I don't know about. :psyduck: Edited by jhardingame
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Since 1.4 the old Oblivion rules no longer apply. I'm at 97 at the moment and the crash occurrence has more than doubled from my previous @50, still playable but I have to save frequently now. When I went above 100 it was simply unplayable. This is with a high end rig of i7 875, GTX 480, 16 gig system (of which only @ 5 get used) and SSD HD. I suppose it could improve as more mods are updated to the new GECK but I have my doubts, the latest kludge seems to have changed too many things in the old engine. Now that the list price of FONV has dropped below $10 (and FO3 below $7) I'm not holding out much hope for further improvement either.
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Yes thats what im saying, You CAN load up to 255, I can too but what im saying is for me and several people I talk to 140 and over causes breakage in the game, the game just seems to crumble. Of course It seems people have that problem at 100, so I dunno what this is determined on, I have a powerful rig that can run Crysis 2 DX 11 on max settings, and Fallout 3+Oblivion both with HD graphics upgrades and 200 or so mods with no problem. I dont know why the rig would determine in NV how many you can run, I dont get massive slow downs or anything like that over 139 mods activated, but the world map goes pink, Textures and meshes get missing all over, and the game literally collapses in on itself it seems.


This has been tested by others and myself, I can load up a completely blank .esp or .esm as 140 and the problem happens, and disapears as soon at the 140th plugin is de-activated. Oddly though Merging/Bashing mods into a Bashed .esp doesnt seem to affect this problem, its specifically just how many .esps and .esms are checked/activated.

Edited by LenaMarie
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An empty mod will still require some memory. At a minimum, the file names are stored in a table so that later mods (that depend on them as masters) will have the ID's resolved correctly. Any non-persistant data can also remain out of active memory until required too.

So there will always be a limit on any machine where a straw will break the camels back.


I don't know if it would be possible to determine what counts towards the resource footprint of a mod. The guys on the NVSE team may have a better idea how memory is handled.


Not sure if anyone has actually reached the theoretical limit in FNV. Maybe if someone is really bored one weekend then creating a rice.esp that simply overrides a global, then copying the file 254 times.

There could also be other fixed limits the engine can handle too. Like the number of filehandles perhaps.


@LenaMarie, when you hit your 140 limit, did you try changing the Large Address Aware flag of the exe. (ie, use a 4Gb loader).

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I am using the 4GB LAA thing and the NVSE compatible version, but I cant honestly say I know for a fact its working, I have no idea how to check or anything, but I am using it and installed it according to instructions, so theoretically it should be working. Its kind of strange no one had these problems back in Morrowind/Oblivion/Fallout 3 days but that being said, I think its generally accepted Obsidian made NV to be a very buggy game, so maybe they broke something in how memory is handled.
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I can attest that fnv4gb_nvse definitely works. It brought my game from @3gig to over 5gig memory usage (including background processes). However, my load times haven't reflected any increase in speed. It's almost as if the engine is still loading data in virtual memory (on the HD) before calling it to physical memory, which would be a very ineffective kludge but could explain the game implosion when you hit a certain number of mods where the memory allocation just starts tripping all over itself. I'm trying to find a way to load the game on a ram disk and run it from there but with the Steam component that may not be possible.


Obsidian intentionally making a buggy game would certainly be a unique business model! I believe that they honestly tried to improve it but had too little experience with that old engine and less than adequate support from Beth resulting in fixes that appear to work on the surface in some cases but underneath are conflicting with other program processes. It would be very interesting to have them release the program code to the public domain and see if anyone out here could fix it up. (After they wring the last bit of blood out of that old stone of course!)

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Have you ever played an obsidian game? I think they take the prize consistently for most buggiest games ever made lol but I wasnt suggesting they made NV buggy on purpose, just while they have good writers their programmers are a bunch monkeys. I've never played a Obsidian game that had more bugs then an ant farm. Still, I guess the problem with NV is memory leaks or something, I noticed that too, loading times are pretty bad despite having a GTX 560, 8 GB of system ram and running 4GB_nvse

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