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what the hell is happening to my Oblivion ?


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All I did was changing the screen effects from None to Bloom and the next time I start the game, it now looks like this:









I have also installed the All Natural mod, but there was no problem after I installed it. This happened only after I change the screen effects setting.

Edited by driedupfish
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All I did was changing the screen effects from None to Bloom and the next time I start the game, it now looks like this:




I have also installed the All Natural mod, but there was no problem after I installed it. This happened only after I change the screen effects setting.


Check your \Documents\My Games\Oblivion.ini

Look for 'iMaxLandscapeTextures', If it is set to 1, change it to


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I set the graphic setting back to Ultra and everything is back to normal now. Can anyone explain why changing the graphical setting can cause this ?


Your game settings were set to load small textures that did no correspond to the rest of your ini settings.

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