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(Another) Crash problem. Unknown source.


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Alright here's the full rundown. I installed mods. They worked fine. I exited my game. Tried to start again. Didnt work. Game crashed before making it to the menu. Alright, fine, I've had the problem before, so I disable half my mods and try again. Still crashes. I disable the other half. Nothing. Still crashes. Disable all mods. Still crashes. I am really not sure what to do, I dont want to mess with the game too much. I moved saved games because I heard that can cause crash. (Though how is beyond me) Still crashes. Defragging PC right now (for no particular reason, just needs to be done) and I hope that someone has some idea. I'm not good with computers but I get by, so could anyone help me out here? Is it mods? How do I fix it? How do I friggin diagnose it? Should I just re-install? I have quite a few mods installed, but nothing massive. Most recent additions were a couple of additional weapons mods and a Hammerfell mod. All worked once, but upon exit of the game I could not start again.



Would greatly appreciate the help!

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-Frequent Crashing possibly due to old system file

Some users may experience frequent crashing due to an older system file. These crashes may be attributed to the 'mpeg2dmx.ax' file. Simply renaming the file to "mpeg2dmx.ax.old" may correct this issue.

That's part of the Oblivion read-me if it doesn't work then I don't know what would (I'm not an expert or anything, just a suggestion)

I'm also having this problem, and I don't know where the mpeg2dmx.ax file is...

Edited by ninjamedic
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and a Hammerfell mod.


That has to be a suspect, but without a full load list diagnosis is impossible.

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