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H60 vs 212+

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so im really debating between the H60 and the 212+.


at first i was leaning to the H60, but at $70. im just not sure its going to be as big of a difference between the 212+ which is only $29.


now let me say i will be doing some OCing, but not to the point where ill be pushing my CPU or anything to its limits. im just curious as to what u guys think is better, considering performance, noise, and whatnot, but also price. i just dont see the H60 being that much better for over twice as much,....i guess its also worth noting that which ever i get will be set up in a push/pull config. i know the 212+ provides extra brackets for this, i dont know if the H60 does as well...


so ya opinions, suggestions, anything else? all much appreciated guys :)

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Go for the h60 when you over clock you will notice lower temperatures.


And it doesn't take up much room.


I have read strong rumours that the new amd buldozer cpu's will be bundled with watercooling similar to the antec watercooling kits.

Edited by Erik005
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Are you going the fan way, or the water way, I'm with fans with a bad ass Antec case. Its not just the heatsink its also air flow in the case alone as well.



:thumbsup: yea never overheats with this baby.


More fans the better, especially the size.

:biggrin: I'm using the stock heatsink that came with my last cpu and it never goes above 35C.


40c when oc'ed.

Edited by Thor.
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Hmmm or a 42tv lcd :biggrin: My pc is right next to it so i have no choice yet to marval at it lol.


hoofhearted4 if you need any more assistance just shout i will be standing by.

Edited by Thor.
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lol i have a pretty good case picked out....HAF 932. big, roomy, and good air flow from what all the reviews said.


i think im going to go with the 212+. as i said, i dont plan on doing any extreme overclocking. so i dont see the few degrees the H60 might hae over the 212+ to be worth the $70 over the $29.


and thanks Thor for your continued help, i very much appreciate it and enjoy discussing it all with you. makes me more excited for the time ill be able to finally build it, plus its great to learn about it!!! :)

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