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Very low FPS inside


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When inside buildings my FPS drops drastically. I run a fairly high end machine but I am running a lot of mods including some texture enhancers. Any ideas how I might increase FPS?
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Have you taken the obvious steps, such as turning off some of the graphical bells & whistles in the options menu? V-sync is a massive performance hog and isn't really needed anyway, try disabling it and see if it helps.
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I tried disabling V-Sync and that increased my crashes. Something about going from 190fps to less than 40fps around fire animations seem to indicate that the brakes don't work too well! Generally speaking frame rates drop when your GPU runs out of V-Ram and has to make a call to the CPU to pick up the slack with much slower system ram, of course we all know that Gamebryo doesn't allocate memory very well in the first place. The real solution of course is to buy a newer (and more expensive) video card. The work-around is to go back into Configator and turn on Pre-Emptively Unload Cells and Unload Cells On Fast Travel as well as notching down some of the other settings. With a high end rig this really shouldn't be necessary if all the drivers are up to date and you have at least a gig of V-Ram on your card. There's also the console command pcb that will free up ram but could lead to longer load times between cells and crashing.


Other than that it's reducing texture size, shadows and lighting effects.

Edited by maboru
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I have 8meg of ram but only 512 on my video card. I use a Nvidia Geforce 9800 GTX+. It's a good solid high end video card. Under Premtiviley Unload Cells it says that is effective if you have little ram. 8 Meg is pretty good but I'll try it.
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