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Avoiding a Mod conflict


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I only have a basic modding background. I am just now getting back into playing oblivion and would like to add in Bananasplit Better Cities. I also enjoy Apachii's Goddess Store 1.6. Unfortunately i believe they will conflict. So i see three choices


1) There is no problems - the door is still available and will work correctly

2) don't install the full version of Better Cities (leave out the IC waterfront district)

3) Mod Apachii's Goddess Store and remove the door link. Instead attach the door link to my private home mod (highly edited home mod build around me)


My real question is if #3 would work or crash. Would i mod Apachii's, or fix the door from my own mod (if placed later in load order would it overwrite the door in apachii's?) Is this considered a dirty patch?


Saddly i won't be home till late tomorrow and can only sit here and read up on what's new since i last played and download mods to transfer when i get home. Thanks for all the help

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