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Topal Bay Terrain Abnormality


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I installed a mod called the "Halcyon House" awhile back and when I uninstalled, I was left with this terrain abnormallity:








Its a sheet of water about 40 feet up the bank about where the Halcyon House should be. I tried reinstalling Halcyon House, but it won't show up. Just this plane of water. I can coc to Halcyon House, but when I try to leave the house I get a CTD. Unistalling again, does not make the water go away, The only mod I have in that area is the Aspiria quest but removing it does not fix the problem. I have seen this before but never found out if there was a fix. Thought I'd thow this out and see if anyone knew what was causing this. The author, Who Guru, have no idea what it is.

Edited by sorceress99
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You can contact Who on the TES Alliance site, and ask her...... but, I suspect what you are seeing is just 'leftovers' in your save game. Try this:


Start up the game, and go somplace far away from any cell affected by the mod in question. Save your game.

Exit the game, and make sure the mod is not enabled.

Restart the game, load the last save, and cruise on back to the affected spot. (might wanna wait 4 days before you go, so the cell can reset...


See if that helps.

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Who has no idea what its is or the cause. The abnormality has been there for over a year (real time) and the my games have been saved and reloaded for many other reasons. It's a glitch in the game. Thanks for the help!
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