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New vegas video Montage


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idk if this is where i would post this video im not sure if there is a forum for videos, but i made this a while back ago its my first video edit i have it on youtube but it hasnt got many views, the editing is a bit sloppy could of done better but i decided to go with this,


lmk how it is:)


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Well, I enjoyed that. I especially liked the opening pan shots of the city and buildings. I could easily fool myself into thinking that it was the real Los Vegas that I was viewing. I have a pretty good computer, but I couldn't help but be impressed by the resolution that you were showing. I noticed many details that I'm just not used to seeing in my games. As for the violent tracks thank you so very much for not subjecting me to an endless series of head shots like so many other Fallout video compilations do. Violence aside I found many of the kills very artistic in their execution (no pun intended). All and all a 4 star piece of work. Thank you for sharing that.




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thank you guys or the good feedback i really appreciate it :) and its gotten a little more views since i posted it here,


when i made this vid i wanted it to be unique, (like rabbit said) i was also tired of seeing montages with pure headshots and carnage, they would literally start off with no intro just their character killing right off the bat, thats why i made a scenery intro i wanted to add some tension before the actuall fighting started i wanted to make viewers pumped up for whats to come lol, and kevkiev thanks! it took me a while to think of an ending, then it hit me when i was browsing my screenshots:)


now that i got back to playing fnv i feel like making another video(itll definetly be better than this one) any ideas? or recommendations?



once again thanks for the good feedback ^_^

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great woke up with Bush MachineHead and Fallout New Vegas liked the vid ( would also makes vids but if got lag and stutters ) hope you make more vids with this kind of music really enjoyed it







Bronco at one time came over a Dune Strategy MOD wich needed modelers

But he cant find the page anymore , < can you help > it had really good Artwork and the Harkonnen were using Armmored Troopers


Looking for this Becuase i love Dune And Strategy


if this is familiar or you know another COOOOOLLLLLLL Dune MOD then please PM me

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