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Have Your Say: Website feedback style!


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I'm logged in, but I don't know how to check the comments on my file or even how to update the file's information. Is this possible currently?


Oh. I guess that was my fault there. I thought the file was open because the search only came up with that one file. Sorry. Everything's good.

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I loved and supported TESSource. I can't believe it is gone. I have used it for over one year to get mods to Oblivion. No other mod site was comparable. It is a big loss, and I feel lost. So, thank you very much for the job you did with TESSource.


I know this site is not finish, but I use this chance to give some feedback.


The mod layout is really annoying. The information labels are to big and they are put beside and under/over each other. It would be a nice feature to choose the layout when you browse or search for mods. I like list layout where you can open mods for more information, like it was on TESSource.


I loved the feature that I could follow selected mods and updates to this mods. That feature was a must and saved me much time.

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I think that if you could get a good background (images from the games?) it would be great, and maybe if you did something a little different with the text fonts (something creative that looks goood and is easy to read). It hurts my eyes to see the same or similar text fonts used on every website. I do agree that the mod layout and search is a little annoying. I do like the site, though!
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I do not like complaining because of the circumstance you are in and the fact you are doing this for free.


Please know I appreciate all you have done.


But I cannot get my old file descriptions (that worked before) to load to your new upload processes. It keeps giving me errors.



Such as "only hard stops allowed"


What the heck are hard stops?


I have had to update my mods but leave the OLD files description because I cannot change them.

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First off, thank you for all the work you've put into the site! Not being able to find all these great old mods anymore was sad for me. I guess that's what I get for not saving copies in the first place.


My biggest request for the new site layout is to have the various pages put identifying text in the window title. Currently browser history, bookmarks, tab names and the like all say "Oblivion mods? You betcha!" Knowing how many pages I should skip back to get back to the mod listing, or which tab is open on which mod, or which bookmark leads where would be the bees knees.

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I miss the RSS feeds (for file changes) that the old Elder Scroll Source site had. When the RSS feeds were in place, I used to get a daily news feed in my e-mailbox via NewsGator which kept me up to date on any new Oblivion mod uploads as well as any modified ones. It was a great way to stay current on my favorite mods.
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