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I always like to make things complicated...


There's a reason for adding "off-topic" music...

I want to stay away of the usuall oblivion "mighty knight super hero" theme through this project.


It's not the old movie effect actually but the compression wich makes a few scenes hard to be watched as Terminator said.


Anyway, I 've spended only 1 hour for it so...... LoL

I 'm going to make a better video as soon as "part 1" is ready.

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I love the Pink Floyd music on the video! It's absolutely perfect for creating the cool-yet-creepy mood. We need more adventuresome soundtracks like that. I hope you can make that work in the game!



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I love the Pink Floyd music on the video! It's absolutely perfect for creating the cool-yet-creepy mood. We need more adventuresome soundtracks like that. I hope you can make that work in the game!




Hello Jumonji :)

I wish I could add custom music in game (copyrights).... The default dungeon soundtrack... ..... ....

It just doesn't sounds right to me.(that damned flute).

And even if I work as a music producer in real life, making music for it would definatelly need the double time to be finished.... :(

"Special sound effects" & video material are going to be added thought.

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Special sound effects sounds good...


but how are you going to add the video material (I'm assuming you mean in-game here)? Oblivion uses the bink video format (.bik), and while it is possible to convert files to this format, you end up with about 5 seconds at the end showing just the bink video logo- unless you spend £1000 or so on a license.

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Special sound effects sounds good...


but how are you going to add the video material (I'm assuming you mean in-game here)? Oblivion uses the bink video format (.bik), and while it is possible to convert files to this format, you end up with about 5 seconds at the end showing just the bink video logo- unless you spend £1000 or so on a license.

Oblivion's PlayBink command has an "AllowEscapeFlag" option, which probably allows termination during the logo.


Depending on how many videos you were planning on including, you could mention this in the readme.

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