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Starwars in TES:IV, Oblivion


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I've been wondering when someone would start making starwars mods for oblivion, twi'lek characters in particular, but at the same time, why not make a mod for a death star home in the skies of oblivion or something like that, or light sabers that actually look like light sabers, or a marksman's weapon like one of those blaster rifle things, the possibilities are almost endless, thoughts anyone?
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You should really do search then, there's dozens of Star Wars mods here, and a few compilations. :thumbsup:


When it comes to Sci-Fi conversions for ES engined games, Nexus is a case of "pick your poison" rather than "you got <<>>?" Jedi Temple I'd mainly recomend, but there's a fair few of them, and you may want to hit up a few other mod sights, because there's an absolutely excellent Star Wars mod for Battlefield 2-a totalconversion that turns it into a proverbial BattleFront 3.

Edited by Vindekarr
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