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I need something to fix sniper rifle inaccuracy at long ranges


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Can someone help a newbie? The sniper rifle seem to be horrifyingly inaccurate at long ranges even with 100% skill.

I tried Accurate sniper rifles and silenced sniper rifle which didn't seem to improve the accuracy (tho i got the new rifle and the mod loaded properly).


Any ideas which mods should I try next or what should I do? I care only about non-VATS accuracy!


I would really appreciate any help!

Edited by innocentdonkey
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the sniper rifle has dead-on accuracy, its just that the way recoil affects the shot is really weird. its like the bullet doesnt leave the barrel of the rifle until the rifle is at the apex of its recoil. if for instance, you aim at the feet/legs of a raider from 700+ meters, you will blow his head off. id bet money the reason you miss is because the recoil makes it go right over their heads.


ive actually successfully sniped Tenpenny when he was up on his balcony and i was down on the ground, and that was actually from a bit further away than he would have been visible from in vanilla

Edited by babyeatingdingo
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