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Acrobatics and Atheltics? WTF!


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Their reasons for removing those seem perfectly logical to me. I never really got the whole idea behind the two in the first place. Also, just a reiteration, just because those skills are removed DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN'T JUMP OR RUN! A lot of people think that because acrobatics is removed, you won't be able to jump; which is just silly.
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The skills were passive. You couldn't NOT train them if you wanted to unless of course you never moved. Bethesda has made a great effort to remove exploits and balance the skills so lets play it before we decide what is good or bad on paper.
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I was hoping people would discuss to see if it is actually a good idea to remove those skills.


its already been discussed in the "dumbing down" topics. removing acrobatics makes bethesda make better worlds/dungeons. todd said in interview about how levitation in morrowind would lead to some lazy level design. how the the level designers in morrowind would make some messed up landscapes and the designers would say "its ok the player should just levitate or jump 30 ft". if the designers cant take shortcuts or worry about people jumping 30ft into places they shouldnt be it makes better level design.


also with sprint added athletics wasnt gonna be that useful as before.

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I'm with Todd Howard on this .. It was a useless skill and wasted time for level designers who had to think about the skill .. Just going back to Oblivion I can remember a few exploit areas in some dungeons.. Its just not worth the effort when they could be adding better features.
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I'm with Todd Howard on this .. It was a useless skill and wasted time for level designers who had to think about the skill .. Just going back to Oblivion I can remember a few exploit areas in some dungeons.. Its just not worth the effort when they could be adding better features.


So your saying you rather not be a ninja that can jump and run like a real ninja?


I just like the feel of doing something and becoming better with it, I don't care about those exploits, in fact... what bethesda should have done is remove them from the main skills and put them in some category that doesn't affect your level gain at all!

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