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Acrobatics and Atheltics? WTF!


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For me It's really hard to understand *why* they didn't just put acro and ath into a category that doesn't increase the player's level...


I see the benefit of not having the skills completely, since Bethesda will be less limited to creating dungeons; but I still despise the whole idea!


Yeah sure, if you reach like 100 acro your jump animation will be all screwed up, I don't care about that since I just play in first-person mod.


I like my limited sprinting to be in FPS titles, I don't mind them in RPG's as long as you can somehow become faster; and who's to say that the sprinting won't take up a percentage, that would make it even worse!


Because jumping around isn't acrobatics and running around isn't atheltics. You either can try to make it work or remove completely and they chose the latter. AGI, SPD and STR, END should be fused together anyways because they are both pointless and really corrolate with each other.

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More isn't always better .. Complexity for the sake of complexity doesn't make a good RPG .. and we don't all like to read the manual five times over when we want to delve into another world .. All the reasoning you need



More simple things together create complex things, that's what Bethesda have been doing with Skyrim all along.

Some fans don't see the big picture, they just see the details, which are simple but together create complexity.

My signature fits your comment very well.

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By increasing stamina of course!

Because jumping around isn't acrobatics and running around isn't atheltics. You either can try to make it work or remove completely and they chose the latter. AGI, SPD and STR, END should be fused together anyways because they are both pointless and really corrolate with each other.


More isn't always better .. Complexity for the sake of complexity doesn't make a good RPG .. and we don't all like to read the manual five times over when we want to delve into another world .. All the reasoning you need


More simple things together create complex things, that's what Bethesda have been doing with Skyrim all along.

Some fans don't see the big picture, they just see the details, which are simple but together create complexity.

My signature fits your comment very well.


Lots of great responses, guys! Pretty much all of this stuff put together sums up what I was trying to say before.


When I heard about the new system and how it worked, never once did I think, "Man, I wish they'd have kept it like Oblivion..." I was excited, because what they were describing was something that sounds more fun, more engaging, more efficient, and, most importantly, less tedious than Oblivion or Morrowind.


I've said it before, but I'll say it again: change is good.

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change is bad, at least for me.


By increasing stamina of course!


so increasing stamina increases overall movement speed? Someone said it just increases the length which one can sprint...


I think I said it over 3 times or so in this post alone that increases the overall movement speed, max carrying weight, how high you can jump and take a fall and more. No offense but it seems that you didn't read earlier posts. Or at least didn't understand them.

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change is bad, at least for me.


By increasing stamina of course!


so increasing stamina increases overall movement speed? Someone said it just increases the length which one can sprint...


I think I said it over 3 times or so in this post alone that increases the overall movement speed, max carrying weight, how high you can jump and take a fall and more. No offense but it seems that you didn't read earlier posts. Or at least didn't understand them.

How does that make sense with the sprinting mechanic in the game?Think about it, if it doesn't also increase the movement speed of sprinting, then sprinting will eventually become useless because the player's running speed would catch up with the sprinting speed as he invested in Stamina.If it did increase sprinting speed and running speed, then sprinting would become overpowered because sprinting already makes you move very fast and if you invested in Stamina then you'd soon be able to sprint much faster than a horse.Any other alternatives where you can increase overall movement speed without making sprinting useless or overpowered?The only thing I can think of is that sprinting and running would start out very slow when you first started the game in order to stop the player from outrunning dragons.

Edited by Corakus
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I've said it before, but I'll say it again: change is good.

Except when its bad,... then its REAL bad.


my stance is pretty nuetral on this but,...

ANYHOW! to others, who said it's simplifying things(for example, so you don't have to read the manual 5 times over) I know your probally over-exagerating

but for the other elder scrolls games, i didn't even know they had a manual or that anyone would need it.

Don't think the game needed simplifying or that it benefits from such.

Others here had some good points tho... 'probally' a good call to drop the two skills.

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