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Best way to merge large mods like nVamp into a single file?


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My mod list is overloaded and I've been merging my smaller mods into single files to cut down, but now I'm taking a good look at the list and I've noticed that the nVamp modules take up significant space in the load order so I was trying to merge them into a single file but ran into some problems. First when I look at the nVamp files I see a lot of errors in them, missing refs, out of date overrides, etc. Then when I merge them the master files are all out of order, but that also seems to be a problem in the base files as well.


Also do I really need nVamp to make all the mods it's based off of work together? I can merge those fine so I'm wondering do I really need nVamp or will merging the files it uses just take it out of the equation? If I can just use the files nVamp modifies I can remove those records and take just what nVamp adds and remove any changes.

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try to Ignore the large mods. combine (merging is something else) small mods with Fo3edit. By using 'copy form to new file for all references and scripts etc' or something along those lines. Once you get the hang of that you'll be able to merge bigger mods overwriting what needs to be overwritten and whatnot.


Making a merged patch requires the masters and doesn't have all the information in the file.

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I don't use FONV Edit for merging, I use the Java Plugin made by Scripter Ron for that, and it's working fairly well so far. I can't do it with nVamp because of the way it's structured so I'm trying to find the easiest way of merging them without needing all the masters.
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just thought i would add my 2 cents worth.

i've got around 50 mods merged into 1 file.

most were no problem, those with dialog are a problem, dialog strings get lost in the merging.

and sometime world spaces are a problem.

what i've had to to to fix this is to load the file x im merging in 1 fo3edit window, then in anogher fo3edit window load joined mod & mod x, to make it easier to see what has been changed,cause it shows changes in color. and run down the tree fixing the errors. load x in its own window so you dont have to keep scrolling all the time.

worldspaces, you might not know anything is wrong til something wierd happends, like dear old dad stoping at the top of the hill almost to rivetcity, turning around running down the hill & jumping in the water & swiming to RC, or an NPC just freezing somewhere. fo3edit showed me 3 mods besides joined mod encluded the same world space, as fo3edit always makes a backup when saving, i deleated it in joined mod and dear old dad compleated his journey. a little more testing & ill turn mine into an .esm. sense i did this my game has been running much smoother than the first few times i attempted this.

hope this helps somebody.

cheers pal

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