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Problems with Importing/Exporting files from 3ds max to game


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Hi there everyone, i have problems with Creating mods with 3ds max. when i import in 3d studio max assault carbine and export it without any modifications in the Niftools the weapon shows fine, but in G.E.C.K when i go to preview, there is no weapon, it is empty space. In the game same stuff but when i rotate my character, something is weird going on with weapon. It is like 2D weapon Floating all around me when i rotate.

With these settings i Import weapon.

With these settings i Export weapon.

In Niftools looks fine.

But in game is all gone wrong, this is 1st person.

And this is 3rd person. Like it's 2D.

Can someone help me with this problem, please?

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Hi there! I'm sorry I can't provide you any help with your problem, but I can point to you, since you are sort of new around I guess, that the Nexus has a whole forum section dedicated to software, even with a subforum on 3DsMax. Just get into the main forums homepage, and scroll down to the bottom- yeah there is software! 3DsMax should be inside 3D Modelling subforum.


When I first wanted to ask things about blender I did the same thing and posted here, too. The moderators not only kindly answered my noob issues, but also showed me that hidden gem of this website.

Hope that helps...:thumbsup: There you go...

Edited by Candex
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I dont usually play Fallout or mod for it, but I THINK your problem is that the weapon is recognized as a piece of clothing with bad bone weights. Make sure it is considered a weapon in GECK without any bone weights and that it is laid out on the proper plane in the correct direction in Niftools. Hope this helps^^.
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I must admit, i clearly dunno what to do :confused: . I am creating a new mod, a plasma sniper and everything is the same (just for exercise). Here are some pictures. It is not yet finished, i need to put scope.



I need someone to instruct me clearly what to do with this bug. :armscrossed:

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