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your first character?


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OK, so this may have been done before, but I didn't see it and thought I'd do a new one. what is gonna be your first character? Or if you haven't picked only 1 yet, what are ideas you've got coming along?


Me? I'm gonna do a Kajhit (damned spelling) who is either stealthy or a mage. IF stealthy i'm gonna adventure the new stalth options, and as a mage, the new magic system.

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OK, so this may have been done before, but I didn't see it and thought I'd do a new one. what is gonna be your first character? Or if you haven't picked only 1 yet, what are ideas you've got coming along?


Me? I'm gonna do a Kajhit(Khajiit) (damned spelling) who is either stealthy or a mage. IF stealthy i'm gonna adventure the new stalth options, and as a mage, the new magic system.

I'm thinking I'll be a Nord the first play through. Warrior with restoration and block skill(yeah a paladin type that's boring) work on whatever as I go along.
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Nord. Be a typical Nord barbarian I would think. Go it mainstream then do all the other races and classes... what I am looking forward is the Argonian take on things...


Snow + Ice + Reptiles = Interesting concept.


I dunno if Bathesda has included features that have you regulate your body temperature and aspects of armors and clothes e.g furs not just for protection but for warmth.

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I cannot really decide if I'll be Khajiit or Argonian. I'll have to think about the race a bit more. But it will definitely be male.

He will be a mage, maybe a spellsword. Specialized in destruction, illusion and a few other skills, I yet have to decide which ones.

He'll be very evil, but sometimes he will show a bit of mercy.

Also he'll have a scar on his face, probably on the right eye if available, if not then somewhere on the right side of his face.

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Nord. Be a typical Nord barbarian I would think. Go it mainstream then do all the other races and classes... what I am looking forward is the Argonian take on things...


Snow + Ice + Reptiles = Interesting concept.


I dunno if Bathesda has included features that have you regulate your body temperature and aspects of armors and clothes e.g furs not just for protection but for warmth.

It's why they wear parkas http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=16660
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Loki, the mischievous Breton Bard! I'm thinking Illusion, Blade, Speech, Pickpocket, Sneak, and Alchemy. That's what I'd like to focus on from a role-playing sense, but bards are meant to be jacks-of-all-trades; if need be, I'll switch stuff out. I'm especially curious about pickpocket!
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After playing Oblivion again I've decided I want to make a stealth character in Skyrim , so most likely a male Wood Elf or Dark Elf (Shooting people with bows is just too fun) . But I also want to make a High Elf mage character, I haven't made one yet in Oblivion but after seeing the magic system for Skyrim I think I will try it out!
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