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Secret Valley of DEATH!


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Hey guys!


My game keeps crashing at a very specific location in the secret valley.

I'm running an i5 processor, 4gigs of DDR3 RAM, and an nVidia GTS 250.

I've tried turning off all my addons and mods, running pure vanilla, and I still crash. I've tried dropping some video settings, still crashes. I crash randomly at other times, but that's rare.

Any help would be great. I'll try reinstalling I guess.





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try setting you game to use only 2 cores, insteaed of all 4. the engine for NV has a problem with this


this is how you do it. (back up the files first):

1.Go to My Documents/FalloutNewVegas


2.Open FALLOUT.ini


3.Find and change bUseThreadedAI=0 to bUseThreadedAI=1 (use the find function to make this easier and faster)


4.Directly underneath add iNumHWThreads=2 (this line does not already exist so you have to actually add it in)


5.Save the file

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I don't know if this is for FOOK or not but try moving crossmoddata.esm down below the DLC's in your load order. Unless told otherwise I think it should always be beneath the DLC's.


Also doesn't that NevadaskiesURWLHH.esp rely on nevada skies.esp or Nevada skies.esm? click it and see if it has any masters besides falloutNV.esm and then turn those on, or turn off the plugin.

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Well, I just finished reinstalling. I'm still crashing on 100% vanilla. It must be my video card or a video setting on the game. Anyone have any ideas?


I have a nVidia GTS 250. This is the only problem I can deduce from the symptoms. My drivers are up to date...

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Assuming you are on steam a clean install would be going into the documents folder and deleting the fallout new vegas file, and ensuring that your entire directory and all its content is gone as well. Steam does not ever completely uninstall your games.


Assuming you did the above with your fresh install, I would blame, the drivers. Try switching them to a beta set, or an older more stable version, since you are on nvidia have you tried making a nvidia profile for new vegas?

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Was having CTD problems just the other day that were unrelated to mods and load order etc, the best bet for these situation is a clean install to a new directory (not program files as its is UAC and this causes allot of problems). I can only imagine it might possibly be a texture or mesh that's still in your directory that's conflicting, even without an esm or esp loading them they can still affect game play when in the game directory.

Your safest bet would be to do a clean install ;)

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Was having CTD problems just the other day that were unrelated to mods and load order etc, the best bet for these situation is a clean install to a new directory (not program files as its is UAC and this causes allot of problems). I can only imagine it might possibly be a texture or mesh that's still in your directory that's conflicting, even without an esm or esp loading them they can still affect game play when in the game directory.

Your safest bet would be to do a clean install ;)


I've done a clean install (yes, with full wipe).

I've installed a Radeon HD 5750 (replacing my nVidia GTS250).

I've tried everything!

Why am I crashing! *frustrated face*

I can't figure it out.

Anyone ? ideas ? Anything!

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I have a few ideas..


The first one depends on where you are crashing, if it is in the bunker then try do 'pcb' on commandline before enter and after enter each level of the place. And save often.


If you are running on Vista or Windows 7 try running in XP service pack 3 compatibility mode. (You have right click EVERY .exe in the fallout NV directory click properties - compatibility and set to XP service pack 3)


You could also try the d3d9.dll file which might help you. As well as boosting overall performance with Nvidia cards it can help solve some crashing issues.


Or of course, It could possibly just be a corrupt save.

Edited by welsher
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