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Companion bugged


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I got fully patched fallout 3 (steam) on vista32.


Due to some strange bug, my companion, charon dies. Just after saving. So, I use "resurrect 1" command to get him back. However, he doesn't move anymore. He comes with me with fast travel, but then just stands still. If I speak to him, he tells me to speak to his former owner (who is now dead). What can I do? I want him back. He has some nice gear on him too.

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You need to re-hiring him from the owner, it applies to all followers when die..so you need to resurrect the former owner too...


I resurrected the owner, first with resurrect 1. No help. Then with resurrect. Still cant hire him back. I tried resetting the quest and then do those things again. Still can't hite him. I just can't talk to him about it.

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you cannot resetquest because Hiring Charon Quest using condition 'getdeadcount==0', so if you attempting to reset quest you need to delete or change that condition...(it's also applied to hiring clover)

Use FO3Edit/GECK to edit the quest...then try to rehiring him..

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you cannot resetquest because Hiring Charon Quest using condition 'getdeadcount==0', so if you attempting to reset quest you need to delete or change that condition...(it's also applied to hiring clover)

Use FO3Edit/GECK to edit the quest...then try to rehiring him..


This is getting awfully complicated. FO3Edit didn't work but GECK seems to work. Now, to just find out what to do without studying the whole program.

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if using GECK, load ONLY Fallout3.esm, go to 'quest' section -> then find ID 'FollowersHireCharon', double click on it, it will show you a new window 'Quest : FollowersHireCharon'. In quest condition you'll found function name 'getdeadcount', you can delete condition or change value to 1 from 0 (as in your save game charon deadcount =1)...save to new file to make a changes..and put it on your load order like other mods...now, in game you can reset the quest, then try to hire Charon..
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if using GECK, load ONLY Fallout3.esm, go to 'quest' section -> then find ID 'FollowersHireCharon', double click on it, it will show you a new window 'Quest : FollowersHireCharon'. In quest condition you'll found function name 'getdeadcount', you can delete condition or change value to 1 from 0 (as in your save game charon deadcount =1)...save to new file to make a changes..and put it on your load order like other mods...now, in game you can reset the quest, then try to hire Charon..



I think I did it, then loaded save, reset quest, talked to npc... still not working. I wonder what I did wrong....




after loading the game, I do the following:


1. I kill Charon with command

2. I resurrect him (resurrect, not 1)

3. I disable him

4. I enable him

5. I reset the quest


I can buy him again but he still won't follow me.


I do steps 1-4 again. He still doesn't follow me. "No, go talk to......."

Edited by TheUnknownX
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It might not work because he needs to go and kill Azrukal before he comes with you. You could try it again in the Ninth Circle and with Azrukal resurrected :unsure:



I reset quest


I kill/res/disable/enable both of them


Then I reset the quest again. I talk to charon. He tells me to talk to Az. I talk to Az. He sells Charon to me. I talk to Charon, he tells me to speak to Az.



Even if I don't buy charon after all this, he still comes with me if I exit the ninth circle or fast travel. He won't move however and keeps telling me to talk to Az.



I have slaughtered everyone in that bar like 200 times. Hopefully I don't need to reach 300. If I don't get it working soon, I might start new game and just kill everyone in the game.

Edited by TheUnknownX
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