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Angel Park


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OK, I am one of the authors of Angel Park. I created most of the interior locations (or at least cluttered them) wrote all the notes, made the ammo etc...

I can say I have had email confimation from the author of Sun Valley that Angel Park has not been copied. The bridge area is just very similar coz it was based on that mod. I can confirm this from my own playthroughs.

The last I heard the mod was still down beacuse the moderators were looking into other objects.

This brings me onto my next question.

When will you be done moderating our file?

No-one has contacted me apart from Dogtown and Kevin since this began and I have been left completely in the dark. I would really like to know if this mod is ever going to be released again coz I put months of work into it and since I am an author (and credited as such) I have the right to ask.

Thanks djmystro


I can say that you, dogtown and many others are a staple of our mod community, and many of us have no doubt been on pins and needles waiting for the results. I know thats not official but, thanks for the post.


If everything does come back ok, it will seem to have missed out on the fotm oppritunity though.

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I am currently trying to re-obtain permissions for the use of a lot of modded FO3 objects used in Angel Park which need a special permission to be allowed onto other games (such as FNV). Once this is done hopefully we can get Angel Park back online again.


Nice, any details on that? I would love to have the freedom to add some FO3 architecture to some mods.

Edited by avianrave
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