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Texture/Mesh Problems


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Hey everyone!


I have Fallout Game of the Year Edition


I'm new to this modding bit, but so far I've gotten certain things down. I mostly upload my files through FOMM, but I've noticed a few gun mods I got from this site, dont exactly like their surrondings lol...They act like chameleons and change colors with the surronding areas when I move around the Fallout landscape...Can someone help me out by explaning possibly what it is that I'm doing wrong, oh and also, i tried that extracting and moving files over, but when it comes to the textures and such, it doesnt matter if its for armor or a weapon, it overwrites my current folders...Like I uploaded the guns mod to my FOMM and then a housing mod. The housing mod wanted to save over the guns files...One last thing. can someone link me a picture of a proper setup for the CALIBRI using the FOMM?


(Also I dont know any other the Abreviations for other programs so if you use them, please include their name so I understand entirely and dont get lost and ask any more stupid questions lol)


Thanks everyone!


[Edit] I forgot to add, that I have left all my files in their compressed form and reinstalled my game because I had a rogue file no longer existing in my Fallout folder that was causing the game to crash every 5 minutes if that. I'm not worrieda bout downloading the patches for the expansion because i have those already installed. Do I need to patch my game itself in order for the mods to work properly besides just downloading the mods updates themselves?was another question... Sorry

Edited by Kaelzor1988
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Hey everyone!


I have Fallout Game of the Year Edition


I'm new to this modding bit, but so far I've gotten certain things down. I mostly upload my files through FOMM, but I've noticed a few gun mods I got from this site, dont exactly like their surrondings lol...They act like chameleons and change colors with the surronding areas when I move around the Fallout landscape...Can someone help me out by explaning possibly what it is that I'm doing wrong, oh and also, i tried that extracting and moving files over, but when it comes to the textures and such, it doesnt matter if its for armor or a weapon, it overwrites my current folders...

You'll need to download and activate ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated

for any custom textures to shop up. Or: Enable Archive Invalidation in FoMM. (under "tools").


can someone link me a picture of a proper setup for the CALIBRI using the FOMM?

Exactly what do you mean by that? You mean where in your load order it's supposed to be?

I'd say as high as possible and, naturally, above any mods that have Calibr as it's master. (gun mods with non-vanilla ammo types)


[Edit] I forgot to add, that I have left all my files in their compressed form and reinstalled my game because I had a rogue file no longer existing in my Fallout folder that was causing the game to crash every 5 minutes if that. I'm not worrieda bout downloading the patches for the expansion because i have those already installed. Do I need to patch my game itself in order for the mods to work properly besides just downloading the mods updates themselves?was another question... Sorry

You definitely need the to install the latest patch for Fo3 before installing any and all mods.

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Ok so basically. If I'm going to upload my files using FOMM, I want to click the Toggle Invalidation button after I've uploaded all the mods i want to use before or after I click activate?


From what I read from the responses, that's the step I seem to be missing and was just running around with chameleon weapons because of it. Dont get me wrong, I got a huge kick out of it.


I just downloaded the 1.7 Fallout 3 patch. Right now I left it as compressed. Where do I to put the file at, so the game updates properly from it ?


As for the CALIBRI, yes I was talking about a specific, order, but you already answered it for me. Place it like so is what I'm Guessing:







And then add any mods that dont require CALIBRI after that ?

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Ok so basically. If I'm going to upload my files using FOMM, I want to click the Toggle Invalidation button after I've uploaded all the mods i want to use before or after I click activate?

Nah. You just need to activate it once and keep it activated. Same goes for the standalone version.


I just downloaded the 1.7 Fallout 3 patch. Right now I left it as compressed. Where do I to put the file at, so the game updates properly from it ?

It's an installer right? (a .exe) You can run it from wherever you want. The installer will either find the FO3 directory by itself or you just need to point it to the right location.






And then add any mods that dont require CALIBRI after that ?

No need. You can place any and all mods which don't rely on Calibr either above or below it. It doesn't makes any difference. It is however recommended to place the Calibr plugin as high up as possible. Mainly because it's a .esm file. (.esm's always need to go as high as possible)


Edit: Spelling

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yeah I kept placing CALBRI under my expansion packs. So basically make sure I keep any .esm files up high over any other reg files that get uploaded that arent esm, k gotcha.


As for my version of FOMM, should I download a newer version or just keep rolling with what I got ? Everything else I uploaded to FOMM seemed to be a .esm file and I'm actually using a old version of FOMM I think its called 0.9.9. I got it from a different site where one of people referred me to here because he said you guys are really ontop of your files and know your stuff.


[Edit Patcher] Ok scratch the part aboutt he patch. I just got it to go. I downloaded it into a compressed file and opend the file location to use the launcher. I'm completly updated as far as I know with the 1.7 Patch.

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I got it from a different site where one of people referred me to here because he said you guys are really ontop of your files and know your stuff.

He's right. This is the main place to be for Fallout 3. :tongue:


As for FoMM: Yes, you definitely need the newest version of FoMM for everything to work properly.


Latest version is 13.21 and can be found here: FoMM

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Sweet got it downloaded. Thank you. Now I have the 1.7 patch for FO3 the most recent version of FOMM, now all I need to do is upload my mods, click on Archive Invalidation through the Tools menu and then launch the game?


Downloading the Patch and new FOMM, will also help with the textures problem I was having most likely caused from running a outdated FOMM correct? I know the ArchiveInValidation program is the Secret Ingredient, but I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

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Sweet got it downloaded. Thank you. Now I have the 1.7 patch for FO3 the most recent version of FOMM, now all I need to do is upload my mods, click on Archive Invalidation through the Tools menu and then launch the game?



Downloading the Patch and new FOMM, will also help with the textures problem I was having most likely caused from running a outdated FOMM correct? I know the ArchiveInValidation program is the Secret Ingredient, but I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

As far as your textures problem goes: No, Archive invalidation is the one and only ingredient needed to fix that. You see, by default, Fo3 doesn't display custom made textures. Archive invalidation remedies that by "approving" the custom textures.


Nevertheless you did right by installing the 1.7 patch and the latest version of FoMM.

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Ok awesome, thank you so much!


I should've been more clear on the new patch and FOMM. what I meant was it'll help run everything properly, FOMM More in particular because of the Archive. Archive approves the meshes and custom skins and everything, FOMM just makes sure it gets uploaded without conflicting with anything. If not then ah well, I probably just misunderstood what you meant lol.


Anyways again thank you so much. If I have any more issues or questions I'll be sure to post them!



[Edit Extra Question] Ok I got everything understood so far about what you said, After loading the files to the FOMM, can I leave them compressed or do I have to extract them ?


they ran perfectly fine compressed on the other version I had, except for the mesh/texture problem lol...

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