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Custom blood colors


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HI there,

I am trying to make a mod that alters the blood color of crabs, spiders, and land dreughs(don't know if I spelled that right) to more of yellow/brown color. Crab and bug guts are definately not red. Anyway, the blood spray is working fine in game, but the blood decals are still the old red version. I have added a new texture file called CrabBlooddecal.dds and have linked the crab model to that file via the options in the blood tab of the creature menu in the CS. The tex file is located in the same location that the other blood textures are. Still, the blood spray nif works fine, but in game the blood decal does not change.


Does anybody have any idea why one would work but not the other.

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Have you made a new normal map for this texture?



Exellent point. I had not considered that. However, I don't think the original had one either. I'll check though. But even if that is the issue, since the program should be looking for MY texture file, if there is somethin wrong with it, it should show up black, pink, or not at all. Yet somehow it is still using the vanilla texture. I will check as soon as soon as I can. Perhaps it is reverting back if my tex file is jacked up.


Also, I found that there is a unique blood texture in the archives for the Lich which is black, but I can't remember actually seeing black blood from a Lich in game.


Can anyone verify that Liches have black blood. Because, if it is actually red in game, then it may mean that it is not possible to change the blood decal color and the black textures are just leftovers that did not work out.


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UPDATE: Per the previous question, I looked in the BSA Texture file, and there are no normal maps for the blood textures. Some textures are just that way strangely enough. I wish it would have been that easy.


Any ideas? Also still need an answer about the Lich blood color question above.

Thanks in advance.


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I haven't use the c-set in a while, but i think it's being manipulated with an Effect Shader.


Find the image with the c-set and look to see if it has a shader attached to it. Shaders can do a lot of stufff, specially color changes.




Could you clarify? The only place I know of in the CS to see the texture is in the creature menu and on the blood tab there is a place to select the nif file for the blood spray and another to select the dds file for the blood decal. There does not appear to be a shader mentioned there. The preview of the texture on that tab appears as I intend. Is there someplace else that I should look also?

Edited by oc3
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Thanks Ragna,

I looked in the effects shaders tree and there was nothing for blood.


I decided to test something by placing a Lich outside my sewer exit. I noticed that when I struck it, the blood decal and the ground was BOTH red AND black. It seems that it may not be possible to totally change the color of a creatures blood after all.


Does anyone else have any ideas or think that this idea is worth pursuing?

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Latest info,


I found 2 new nif files and 2 new tex files that look like they should be related to blood decals.


Blooddecal01 and 02 .NIF which are linked to bloodstain01 and 02.dds.


I tried changing the color of the tex files to yellow as a test expecting it to change every creatures blood, again just as a test..


Was unable to find a way to assign a Blooddecal.nif to a specific creature, so unless I missed something (very possible), it seems that every creature/NPC/PC uses the same ones.


Then the puzzling part....... After I changed the textures mentioned above to yellow, and loading through wrye bash, I expected to see everything have yellow blood decals. In reality nothing changed.


I am starting to beleive that all of these blood decal textures and nif files are leftovers, and that the blood decal colors are hard coded. I am no expert on that subject though, so could someone with some expertise look into this? It sould be great to see different creatures have different color blood.


But maybe the fact that no one has done it in the past 7 years means it is not possible.....



Edited by oc3
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