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Repeating Script


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Hey everyone!

I have a question.

I'm making a script, that should add an item after I kill an NPC. So one item after each NPCs.

scn MyScriptName

short killednpcs
short doonce

Begin GameMode
set killednpcs to GetPCMiscStat 6
if killednpcs == 1 && DoOnce == 0
	player.additem MyItem
	set DoOnce to 1

But I don't want to repeat this till endless numbers. How can I easily make it just check that I've killed another NPC and add an item?

Thanks in advance,


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You want it to increment each time you kill and NPC? Use a counter, and increment that each time an npc is killed, (stat changes) compare current counter, to number killed, (they should be equal) if not equal, increment counter, add item.
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So you mean something like this?

scn MyScriptName

short killednpcs
short doonce
float killednpcs1

Begin GameMode
set killednpcs to GetPCMiscStat 6
set killednpcs1 to GetPCMiscStat 6
if killednpcs == killednpcs1 && doonce == 0
elseif killednpcs1 == (killednpcs)+1
	player.additem MyItem

Edited by bencebence
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If this is for a specific group of NPC's, you could simply add an ondeath condition to the NPC script


Begin OnDeath

               player.additem MyItem 1





Unless this is for every single NPC, in which case, something like your code:


scn MyScriptName

short killednpcs
short lastkillednpcs
short diff

Begin GameMode

       set killednpcs to GetPCMiscStat 6

       set diff to killednpcs - lastkillednpcs
       if ( diff>0 )
          player.additem MyItem diff
          set lastkillednpcs to killednpcs


That will add the number of items equal to the number of NPCs killed.

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I think he actually meant something like this:


scn examplescript

short doOnce
short itemcount
short killcount

Begin GameMode

if (doOnce == 0)
	set doOnce to 1
	set killcount to GetPCMiscStat 6

if (killcount < GetPCMiscStat 6)
	set itemcount to (GetPCMiscStat 6) - killcount
	set killcount to GetPCMiscStat 6
	Player.AddItem MyItem itemcount


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