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Big Mod for Sierra Madre


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As some of you know I've been working on a mod for the past couple of months, this mod will fully restore the Sierra Madre. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to name it yet, but it will add new factions,characters,weapons,quests, and locations. I thought that since i've been working on it for this long, that I might want to open up a question, update Forum.


So I'll post some updates and information and you can ask me questions or give advise.

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"It's been awhile since the courier left the Sierra Madre to its fate, but rumors are surfacing about Security Soldiers moving all around the area. People who venture off to the Madre come back with tales of a new society being re-built on top of a place of Dead Money. It sounds to good to be true, but maybe the Courier should check it out?"




Sinclair's Security: Dedicated Soldier who seem to live purely to serve Sinclairs' Cause, but something about them is off? Maybe it's just me.


The Prospectors: A group who've settled around the Madre with intent to loot it for all it has, while they may not be organized they can still be a threat.


Children of the Cloud: These psychos believe the Ghost people are the real owners of the Madre.




Cloud grenade: once explodes it leaves the toxic cloud in the area temporarily.


Cloud Thrower: Cloud residue can be used as ammo and a boost for any flamer

Edited by bigman28
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Hmm...sounds good. Will certain things be based off of the ending you had for DM? Like while it be different if I killed Elijah/sided with him/sealed him in the Vault. For him being in the Vault, would he still be in there?
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Got some questions for you.


1. do you think Sinclairs Security should only use weapons found in the Madre or should I expand?


2. How much Money Exactly, would you like to see me add to the Vault?


3. do you have any questions?

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Hmm...sounds good. Will certain things be based off of the ending you had for DM? Like while it be different if I killed Elijah/sided with him/sealed him in the Vault. For him being in the Vault, would he still be in there?


No, but to make up for it I plan on having Three Acts that take place after each other.


plus you could simply say they were killed by other means.

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:excl: [uPDATE] :excl:


The entire Sierra Madre resort has been renovated. Work on the vault and villa will be the main thing i'm working on for the most part.


Also I will post pic's of the resort tomorrow. :dance:

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