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hair texture/mesh errors D:


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So, I'm a total and complete noob to all this modding stuff, and I may not have even done this properly.

I downloaded and installed a couple of the hair mods, and the meshes (i think this is the right word?) worked.

However, the hairs have like, zero detail on them and are like, blank.


well, reading around, I installed some archiveinvalidator thingy and now when i use showracemenu to change the hairstyles, it just gives me that ugly comb over hair. :T


I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm willing to delete everything and re-install the game, but I need a little guidance with making the mods work. :T


I'm also trying to install the shojo characters mod, which I thought was causing the texture problem --- it isn't.


Or, if someone with that mod would be willing to upload their data folder and let me download it, that would be totally awesome, because all I really want is to enjoy Fallout 3 without ridiculously ugly characters D:



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Or, if someone with that mod would be willing to upload their data folder and let me download it, that would be totally awesome,

That's copyright infringement. Never going to happen.


Anyway, could you name which hair mods you downloaded?


Also, are you sure you copied the files to the right folders?

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Oh, is it? O:

That sucks!



I managed to get rid of the NO HAIR TEXTURES HUDURP by using this Mod Manager thinger, but now the Yoshisomethingoranother hairs won't work. D:

The shojo ones that come with the shojo race work fine, but the yoshisomethingoranother ones don't. Yoshinaka? Sometime like that.


I've installlleeed~

Hair Pack

Shojo Race

Alicia's Cute Shop

Enhanced Children



Childhood Beginning

A Good Hairday





aand yeah that's it. O:


So, anyone know why i'm getting those EXCLAIMATION marks?

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It's YoshikinaKota :biggrin:


Anyway, you have enabled archive invalidation, right? If you're still getting exclamation marks after that, it can only mean that it wasn't installed properly. (the files aren't in the right locations) o conflicts with one of the other hair mods.


Speaking of which:

What does "Eyes_hairpack_en" do?

Also, did it overwrite any other files when you installed it? I'd recommend un-installing that one and "Hairyday" and "A Good Hairday" as well, then re-install YoshikinaKota's Hair pack and see if you can select one of the new hairstyles.

Edited by BlackRampage
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I tried that. D: I think the eyes thingy just adds eyes. :T


I enabled it, and the shojo hairstyles wooork.


Also, the YoshikinaKota styles don't appear for the other races, just on Shojo.


I removed the hairday stuff...


YoshinaKota's hairpack just refuses to work. Period.

I think I installed it right. I put the meshes in the mesh folders, and the textures in the texture folders --- earlier when i was having my first problems, Yoshi's meshes worked right, but the textures didn't. @_@

orz this game hates me.

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Soo! I made a little progress.

I deleted the shojo and child mods since I felt I didn't really need 'em to have a cute character (the hairstyles and some facial modification were enough to make a decent/passing character)

so now I'm gonna try and reinstall the hairday mods so everyone else doesn't look so bland. :3c if this works, I'll be all set to finally enjoy Fallout 3. :D


Like, seriously, this has been a trial.


I had the game on 360 but the characters were too atrociously ugly with bad hair (I'm really vain, to the point where the characters I play as have to be pretty too)

so I never got to enjoy this game. And it's like a really good game, too. O:<

So I bought the PC version and now i'm modding it <3

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I might just use Lings, then. LOL


But dear god. :T I tried the Good Hairday thingy and after it let me PICK YOSHI'S HAIRSTYLES FOR MY CHARACTER it decided that my character should no longer to be able to wear the special hair and is stuck with this especially ugly hair 8D


Oh, and let NPCs use the special hairs but not me.




and now it totally works /after/ amata wakes me up. :T


oh boy fallout.

Oh boy.

Edited by ChiuPon
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