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Oblivion performance question in relationship to multicore affinity se


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Which is a better setup for oblivion to use, I will also be using the Oblivion Stutter Remover. I've already optimized all of the meshes inside of the game and all of those from all of the mods that I have so that shouldn't be mentioned in relation to this query on performance. Is it better to assign oblivion to the last two cores only on my quad core CPU, or is it best to do the last three, since I know that stutter remover is multithreaded(or so it claims to be).




P.S. I tried to search for this but someone who designed the search function on this forum decided that two letter words are a big no no, so thus I could not search for any topic relating to this and had to result to posting a thread about it. That requirement of "more than 3 characters per word" feels a bit off, if you're going to have such a thing just strike the three or less character words from the query string.

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I don't think setting core affinity is going to net you anything. Just let the O/S deal with it.


Best thing you can do for performance is, killing background applications that you don't need while gaming. Virus scanners, and various other malware scanners being right up there on the list.

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