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Gaming in 2011


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uh...guys, I think TC wanted us to "Rage" (see what I did there?! YEEEAAA) about FPS dominance in 2011, not talk about how awesome and unique the games may be.




(and yes, I'm aware I'm stating the obvious)


I don't have a problem with FPS...if they're unique. I actually love them for the sense of immersion I get, thanks to today's modern ways of designing models and worlds.

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Big deal.. I do think there are too many FPS but thats what the market wants. I will be buying Battlefield 3 this year no question, and skyrim, and perhaps rage although rage isn't looking as good these days as it did a year ago. They changed the story, and removed a lot of the guns, now its a linear shooter like the rest of them.


MW3 is garbage. Just like every other CoD. I will pass that up for sure. :armscrossed:

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The game itself doesn't look like that, don't know why that picture makes it look cartoony :tongue:


I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for now, but if it turns out to be anywhere near as horrible as FC2 was, I'm not going anywhere near it.

I am not sure I am even going to try it, still not sure how I feel about the whole series after three games :wallbash:

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