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Oblivion crashing on load game! Only on my high level character...


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So something very terrible happens: when I try to load my high level character when launching from OBSE the game crashes when I hit "yes". Strangely enough, I started a new game, and exited the intro...and when I load that character who only has a couple minutes of play time it doesn't crash. Why does my good character that has some 13 hours crash? It didn't do this yesterday, just started today. It seems OBSE screws everything up.
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I will try and edit this once I do but if mods were a problem how come it just started today? I haven't made any changes besides a sword mod for a long time. I'll try disabling the sword and if that doesn't work the other mods too, but since my newer character works I doubt that's it. Edited by Goliath978
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Do you have the Unofficial Oblivion Patch?


Was the saved game that's crashing made through autosave or quicksave? Because there is a known bug with those, corrupting some saved games.


And are you using Wrye Bash? It has some features that can repair corrupted saved games.

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I have the official and unofficial path and latest shivering isles thing too. The thing with corrupted saves is that all of a sudden ALL previous saves of the character are not working...it's not just that one save. I do have wrye bash.


Did you change anything in your mod lineup (or background mod utilities, like upgrade OBSE), right before this started to happen? Add or remove anything? Every mod in Wrye Bash shows up green?


As you've got Wrye Bash, try syncing your current modlist with the latest saved game of the character that won't load.

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I have the official and unofficial path and latest shivering isles thing too. The thing with corrupted saves is that all of a sudden ALL previous saves of the character are not working...it's not just that one save. I do have wrye bash.


Did you change anything in your mod lineup (or background mod utilities, like upgrade OBSE), right before this started to happen? Add or remove anything? Every mod in Wrye Bash shows up green?


As you've got Wrye Bash, try syncing your current modlist with the latest saved game of the character that won't load.

Hmm...I did install a few mods that were very small(such as sword or butterflies) but did get OBGE to work which is a pretty big overhaul...which didn't ruin the game the previous day but did screw up all previous saves-not just one-the next day. Upon further searching through my saves I found that all previous characters before that day that I'd started had stopped working. Also they will give me a message saying, "Thsi save relies on content no longer availale...." while I can't think of anything I uninstalled.


I did however change the load order for my mods because of the "Bananasplit Better Cities" error with the market district.

I have no quams with starting new(I did used to use a lot of quicksaves and autosaves) but the only problem is what if this happens to this new character I put time into?

Edited by Goliath978
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If you're going to make major changes in your load order, you'll want to click on a saved game under your Wrye Bash saves tab, then click Save on the right under the box listing all your mods. In theory at least this should reconcile the save with your current modlist as loaded through Wrye Bash, but if you change enough, things can break.


And OBGE can break a ton of things on its own. Not within the app itself, but because so much has to be done to make it work properly.


Finally, avoid using quicksaves and autosaves. Those are known to corrupt saved games over time. Save often, but use regular saves.

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If you're going to make major changes in your load order, you'll want to click on a saved game under your Wrye Bash saves tab, then click Save on the right under the box listing all your mods. In theory at least this should reconcile the save with your current modlist as loaded through Wrye Bash, but if you change enough, things can break.


And OBGE can break a ton of things on its own. Not within the app itself, but because so much has to be done to make it work properly.


Finally, avoid using quicksaves and autosaves. Those are known to corrupt saved games over time. Save often, but use regular saves.

Well I guess this is my last shot at saving the characters. I will start new and take your advice-if the game still proceeds to do this then-wait till Skyrim I guess.

Thanks for your help, thank you kind sir; blessing of akatosh upon yee.

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